DokiDoki Precure Episode 25

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Translation: Kanmuri

TL in progress



Selfishe: Attention please!

Crowd: Huh?

Selfishe: I'm tired of smiling all the time!

Cure Heart: Over there!

Selfishe: I've had my fill of standing around while speaking.

Cure Sword: What's up with that Selfishe?

Cure Rosetta: Doesn't that sound like a flight attendant?{"Flight attendant" is more common in American English than "cabin attendant". --K}

Selfishe: Is there a princess among the passengers?

Cure Diamond: It's looking for the Princess.

Leva: It is as you say.
Where have you spirited the Princess off to?

Cure Heart: If we knew, we wouldn't tell you!

Leva: Then I have no use for you. Selfishe!

Selfishe: Attention please!{"Let me have your attention while I shoot fireballs at you, thank you!" w --K}

Cure Rosetta: Precure Rosetta Reflection!

Selfishe: Self!

Cure Ace: I'll make your heart race!
Ace Shot!

Selfishe: Self!
Love! Love Loooooove!

Leva: Hmph! Remember this parting shot!

Cure Rosetta: I am so very sorry. My defense is too weak and it's putting you all in danger.

Cure Heart: No way!

Cure Sword: It's not your fault, Rosetta.

Cure Diamond: We all have some responsibility for what happened.

Cure Rosetta: But...

Cure Ace: I don't have anything especially profound to say.

Other 4: Hmm?

Cure Ace: You have to figure it out yourself.
Please give this growing experience your best effort.


Part 1

Title: A Splendid Transformation! The Appearance of a New Heroine!?

Lance: You've been doing nothing but sighing for a while now, Alice.

Alice: Ah...

Sebastian: Milady, please take a short break.

Alice: Thank you, Sebastian.
Following Cure Ace's guidance, both Mana-chan and Makoto-san enhanced themselves, and have thus gained additional power.
As they have done, I too need to enhance myself.

Sebastian: You have been putting forth quite the effort day in and day out, milady.

Alice: Yet it is still not enough. I have to try harder...

Sign (scroll on the wall): Adversity{逆境}

Alice: Let's start, please.

{As far as I can tell, the robot's just doing 気合(kiai) here, not actual words, so not translating them. Even the デイアー in the captions is just a 気合. --K}

Robot: Your fists have gone soft!

Alice: I'm not going to be able to protect everyone at this rate.
Once more!

Sebastian: Milady...
It seems that the time to use this has come.
This is a combination of the best science has to offer.
This artificial commune is modeled after the real thing.
It is time to become milady's right arm!
Precure Love Link!
If it is for milady, I am prepared to become a demon or a devil.
Now then, starting the field test.
My acceleration is greatly increased!
I'm not feeling any ill effects, either.
I can be of service to milady like this!
Precure Sebastian Attack!