Fresh Precure Common Terms

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Any common phrases that are used often in the series should be put here, so we have a common place to look to make sure we're using the same thing every time.


Nakewameke summoning: Nakewameke, do my bidding!

Cure Peach

Transformation phrase: The pink heart is the emblem of love. Freshly picked, Cure Peach!

Primary attack: Evil and misery, begone! Pretty Cure Love Sunshine!

Fresh attack:

Cure Berry

Transformation phrase: The Blue Heart is the emblem of Hope! Freshly gathered, Cure Berry!

Primary attack: Evil and misery, begone! Pretty Cure Espoir Shower!

Fresh attack:

Cure Pine

Transformation phrase: The yellow heart is the emblem of faith! Freshly harvested, Cure Pine!

Primary attack: Evil and misery, begone! Pretty Cure Healing Prayer!

Fresh attack:

Cure Passion

Transformation phrase: The crimson heart is the proof of happiness. Freshly ripened, Cure Passion!

Happiness Hurricane attack: Sing, the rhapsody of happiness! Passion Harp! Roar, oh storm of happiness! Pretty Cure Happiness Huricane!