Talk:Fresh Precure Episode 05
Translation Notes
Part 1 -- Prologue
まじで、までめちゃくちゃ...(something)...ひぎょばんなんだ Gah... speak clearer dang you Yuuki! XD This is my best guess.
たしょう ごういんなくらいが たしょう - to some extent, somewhat
多少強引な Being a little
じょせいにはちょどいい is the perfect (something) for women.
So I think the literal would be something like: "Being in a slightly aggressive position is just right when dealing with women." More succinctly, "It's okay to be a bit aggressive when it comes to women."
さすが先生! Literally, "Just what I would expect from a learned man such as yourself." In this instance, sensei does not mean teacher... it means more like "learned man." I just decided to go with "fortune teller."
おもうがまますすみなさい。 "Go and do it with that thought in mind." Was my translation.
あなたにはすばらしい幸せおとずれるでしょう。 A wonderful happiness should visit you.
"A place called an amusement park..." Yeah, this is a loose translation, I just can't keep up with his rambling here, but I think I got the overall gist of it. ^^;