DokiDoki Precure Episode 12/Script

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Revision as of 23:43, 16 May 2013 by Ichigo69 (talk | contribs)
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TL: Kanmuri
Timing: BillyG
Typeset: PrecureJunkie
TLC: Basaka
Edit: Rika-chama
QC: BillyG

[Script Info]
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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.09,Default,,0,0,0,,CureCom Fansubs DokiDoki! Precure Episode 12
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Prologue
Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.30,0:00:12.59,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,At any rate... {Jumping into the middle of a conversation here. --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:13.31,0:00:16.52,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,{\q2}I never thought Ai-chan would be the one to save our butts.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.85,0:00:22.32,Default,Cheryl,0,0,10,,It seems that Ai-chan's a very reliable pinch hitter.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:22.32,0:00:25.34,Default,Rikka,0,0,10,,Yeah, but we can't just rest on our laurels.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:25.34,0:00:28.37,Default,Makoto,0,0,10,,Exactly. We need to find the Princess, soon.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:28.37,0:00:29.58,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,You're right.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:30.05,0:00:30.91,Default,Jun,0,0,10,,Pardon me!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:31.13,0:00:32.56,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Wh-What?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.09,0:00:37.22,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,A-Aida-senpai!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.22,0:00:38.82,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Y-Yes?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:40.29,0:00:42.58,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Please make me your apprentice!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:43.26,0:00:44.52,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,A{\fscx250}-
Dialogue: 0,0:00:44.52,0:00:45.72,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Apprentice?
Dialogue: 1,0:00:55.03,0:00:55.07,Default,,0,0,0,,{---OP---}
Dialogue: 1,0:00:53.20,0:00:55.67,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k16}se{\k20}ka{\k19}i {\k17}wa {\k18}ma{\k13}ru {\k15}de {\k21}me{\k15}rry-{\k34}go-{\k51}round!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:56.04,0:00:58.54,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k7}{\k17}a{\k16}i {\k18}de {\k18}ma{\k16}wa{\k15}ru {\k17}yo {\k35}three, {\k37}two, {\k55}one!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:58.84,0:01:00.57,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k7}{\k19}ki{\k19}ra{\k19}me{\k15}i{\k15}te {\k17}e{\k20}very{\k42}day
Dialogue: 1,0:01:00.74,0:01:04.28,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k12}{\k20}Do{\k34}ki{\k51}Do{\k36}ki {\k19}Pu{\k16}ri{\k16}kyu{\k146}a!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:05.74,0:01:11.15,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k6}{\k21}a{\k14}ta{\k12}ra{\k24}shi{\k29}i{\k40} {\k22}fu{\k15}ku {\k19}wo {\k16}ki{\k23}te{\k46} {\k22}ha{\k16}ji{\k17}me{\k36}te {\k16}no {\k15}mi{\k21}chi {\k36}a{\k35}ru{\k40}ku
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.75,0:01:16.82,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k6}{\k18}to{\k18}ki{\k17}me{\k52}ku {\k14}ke{\k23}shi{\k13}ki {\k38}ni{\k49} {\k31}o{\k38}ha{\k35}ro{\k37}o! {\k21}ha{\k37}roo {\k16}ha{\k44}ro
Dialogue: 1,0:01:16.99,0:01:22.46,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k9}{\k15}ma{\k21}ga{\k16}ri{\k21}ka{\k28}do{\k41} {\k17}ha{\k18}na {\k15}no {\k20}i{\k35}ro{\k35} {\k20}kyo{\k15}u {\k16}no {\k34}ra{\k23}k{\k15}ki{\k18}i {\k33}ka{\k36}ra{\k46}a
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.00,0:01:27.90,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k5}{\k21}tsu{\k20}i{\k18}te{\k52}ru {\k17}a{\k10}ta{\k27}shi {\k36}ni{\k48} {\k39}zen{\k15}bu {\k32}o{\k18}ma{\k26}ka{\k106}se!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.77,0:01:33.61,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k0}{\k18}to{\k16}mo{\k15}da{\k38}chi {\k33}da{\k20}t{\k19}ta{\k67}ra{\k55} {\k19}ko{\k17}ma{\k19}t{\k34}te{\k33}ru {\k19}to{\k18}ki {\k44}wa
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.81,0:01:42.48,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k41}chi{\k19}ka{\k17}ra {\k34}ni{\k36} {\k36}na{\k18}ri{\k18}ta{\k35}i{\k52} {\k36}so{\k33}re {\k37}ga {\k30}fu{\k54}tsu{\k37}u {\k25}de{\k309}sho?
Dialogue: 1,0:01:44.15,0:01:46.55,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k14}do{\k17}ki{\k22}do{\k16}ki {\k14}da{\k16}ke {\k20}ga {\k13}Pu{\k19}ri{\k33}kyu{\k56}a!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:46.79,0:01:49.39,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\k17}se{\k18}ka{\k19}i {\k15}wo {\k17}ka{\k21}e{\k12}ru {\k37}hap{\k31}pii {\k60}rabu!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:49.66,0:01:52.19,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k19}ka{\k16}wa{\k21}i{\k17}i {\k16}da{\k16}ke {\k19}ja {\k34}nai {\k35}no {\k53}ga
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.49,0:01:56.06,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k9}{\k17}ga{\k16}a{\k18}ru{\k17}zu {\k18}no {\k18}ya{\k18}ku{\k70}so{\k36}ku {\k16}na {\k104}no
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.86,0:02:02.10,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k10}{\k18}ki{\k20}mi {\k14}wo {\k38}shi{\k33}n{\k39}ji{\k50}ru.{\k71} {\k19}ta{\k16}me {\k18}ni {\k36}ta{\k35}ta{\k36}ka{\k71}u
Dialogue: 1,0:02:02.13,0:02:08.01,OPRomaji,Op Kara,0,0,0,,{\k31}mu{\k34}te{\k20}ki {\k33}na! {\k16}ya{\k33}sa{\k25}shi{\k35}sa! {\k18}a{\k17}tsu{\k18}me{\k158}te{\k10}.{\k11}.{\k12}. {\k40}(Iee) {\k14}Pu{\k19}ri{\k17}kyu{\k27}a!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:48.83,0:00:53.20,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,(Happy Go! Lucky girls! Precure! Yeah)
Dialogue: 1,0:00:53.20,0:00:55.67,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,The world's a spinning merry-go-round!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:56.04,0:00:58.54,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,Love makes it go 'round, 3-2-1!
Dialogue: 1,0:00:58.84,0:01:00.57,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,Everyday is glistening!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:00.74,0:01:04.28,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,DokiDoki Precure!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:05.74,0:01:11.15,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,I throw on some new clothes and take a walk down a new street.
Dialogue: 1,0:01:11.75,0:01:16.82,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,And as I pass the breathtaking scenery, I say a nice hello! Hello 'ello
Dialogue: 1,0:01:16.99,0:01:22.46,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,The color of the flowers at the street corner is today's lucky color.
Dialogue: 1,0:01:23.00,0:01:27.90,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,Luckily that's what I'm wearing, so you're in good hands!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:28.77,0:01:33.61,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,We're friends, so when you're in trouble,
Dialogue: 1,0:01:33.81,0:01:42.48,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,It's natural that we'd want to help you out, right?
Dialogue: 1,0:01:42.48,0:01:44.15,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,(Happy! Lucky! Precure!)
Dialogue: 1,0:01:44.15,0:01:46.55,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,Only Precure can make you this excited!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:46.79,0:01:49.39,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,A world-changing happy love!
Dialogue: 1,0:01:49.66,0:01:52.19,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,It's not just about being cute,
Dialogue: 1,0:01:52.49,0:01:56.06,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,This girls' pact of ours.
Dialogue: 1,0:01:56.86,0:02:02.10,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,I believe in you. And that's why I fight
Dialogue: 1,0:02:02.13,0:02:08.01,OPEng,Op Kara,0,0,0,,Invincible! Graceful! Together we are... (Yeah) Precure!
Dialogue: 1,0:02:20.05,0:02:20.05,Default,,0,0,0,,{---END OP---}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:26.93,0:02:26.93,Default,,0,0,0,,{---Part 1---}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:27.17,0:02:31.41,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hmm... So you're Saotome\NJun from Class 1-A, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:31.41,0:02:34.40,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Ah, sorry for stealing\Nyour chair, Yashima-san.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:34.40,0:02:35.56,Default,Yashima,0,0,0,,No prob.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:35.56,0:02:36.68,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Y-Yes!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:36.68,0:02:41.27,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I've come here to ask you if\NI could be your apprentice.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:41.27,0:02:43.02,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,What's an apprentice?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:43.02,0:02:48.18,Default,Davi,0,0,0,,Someone who stays by the side of someone they admire in order to learn from them.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:48.18,0:02:49.34,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Another one...
Dialogue: 0,0:02:49.34,0:02:50.56,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,Another?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:50.56,0:02:53.53,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,There's plenty of kids\Nwho look up to Mana.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:53.53,0:02:56.55,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,This actually isn't the first\Ntime this has happened.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.97,0:03:02.14,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,So, why do you want\Nto be my apprentice?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:02.14,0:03:05.12,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,It's because of what\Nhappened yesterday.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:08.07,0:03:09.79,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,S-So... heavy...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:13.93,0:03:15.07,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Are you okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:16.21,0:03:17.34,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Let me help you.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:17.34,0:03:19.46,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Huh? You don't have to...
Dialogue: 0,0:03:19.46,0:03:21.41,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Where to?\NThe library?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:21.41,0:03:22.52,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Um, yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:22.52,0:03:25.18,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Ah, no. I don't want\Nto trouble you.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:25.18,0:03:28.65,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,It's fine. Just let\Nme handle it.{Jeezus, Mana, what anime do you think you're in? Kimi ni Todoke? kill it w/ the sparkles and bubbles already. www}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:32.37,0:03:36.54,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,You were so trustworthy and reassuring,
Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.41,0:03:40.77,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,just like a prince on a white stallion.{DAT HIP SWAY}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:42.40,0:03:44.44,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,This has nothing to do\Nwith white stallions.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:44.44,0:03:49.78,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I want to be a man of strong\Nwill and body, just like you!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:49.78,0:03:52.08,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,And Mana's not\Na man, either.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.40,0:03:55.78,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Please! Let me be\Nyour apprentice!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:55.78,0:03:56.41,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:56.41,0:03:57.55,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,She said yes.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.88,0:03:59.26,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Really?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:59.26,0:04:00.25,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:00.25,0:04:03.23,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Just help me out\Nhowever you're able to.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:03.23,0:04:04.62,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Thank you very much!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:04.84,0:04:06.86,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Well, this is another\Nfine mess...{you've gotten me into, Stanley!}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:07.02,0:04:10.04,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,She didn't turn him down.\NWell, that's Mana I guess...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:10.88,0:04:14.79,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I, Saotome Jun, will give you\Nmy best as your apprentice!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:26.58,0:04:30.42,Default,Lunch lady,0,0,0,,I can't understand you if you all\Ntalk at once! Take turns speaking!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:30.81,0:04:35.04,Default,Mimura,0,0,0,,I'm too late! Looks like I won't be\Nable to buy a yakisoba bun today.{isn't this a yakisoba sandwich?}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:35.04,0:04:37.04,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,You want a\Nyakisoba bun?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:37.32,0:04:38.42,Default,Mimura,0,0,0,,Prez!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:38.42,0:04:40.79,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I want one too,\Nso let me get you one.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:40.79,0:04:43.82,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey Lunch Lady! Do you\Nstill have yakisoba buns?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:43.82,0:04:48.22,Default,Lunch lady,0,0,0,,Ah, Mana-chan! You'll have to wait a bit,\NI'm kinda shorthanded right now.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:48.22,0:04:49.70,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'll help you out then!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:49.70,0:04:51.21,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Just a minute, okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:51.21,0:04:53.14,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Huh? But that's not\Nwhy we're here...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:53.14,0:04:55.94,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey! Coming through!\NSorry! Sorry!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:55.94,0:04:59.98,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Ah! M-Me too!\NExcuse me! Excuse me!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:01.50,0:05:03.12,Default,Mimura,0,0,0,,Hey, you okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:04.37,0:05:06.59,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Okay, what would you like?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:06.93,0:05:09.01,Default,Male student 1,0,0,0,,{\q2}I want a mixed sandwich with an orange juice.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:08.29,0:05:09.94,Alt,Male student 2,0,0,0,,Korokke sandwich here!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:09.01,0:05:10.86,Default,Female student 1,0,0,0,,I want strawberry milk and a ham sandwich.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:10.86,0:05:12.56,Default,Male student 3,0,0,0,,Chocolate bread and milk!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:11.85,0:05:13.10,Alt,Female student 2,0,0,0,,Korokke sandwich and juice, please.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:13.10,0:05:14.83,Default,Male student 4,0,0,0,,Pork cutlet sandwich and orange juice.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:14.83,0:05:17.13,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Here, a mixed sandwich\Nwith an orange juice.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:17.13,0:05:19.83,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Korokke sandwich, and strawberry milk with a ham sandwich.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:19.83,0:05:21.04,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Chocolate bread and milk.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.04,0:05:22.69,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Korokke sandwich\Nand apple juice.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:22.69,0:05:24.50,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Pork cutlet sandwich\Nand orange juice.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:24.50,0:05:27.81,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,And here's your change:\N50 yen, 40 yen, and 240 yen.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:27.81,0:05:29.40,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Please come again!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:30.93,0:05:33.03,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Aida-senpai's amazing.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:33.48,0:05:35.41,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,And we're sold out!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:35.41,0:05:36.48,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Here you go!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:36.48,0:05:39.23,Default,Mimura,0,0,0,,Yes! Thank you, Prez!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:39.57,0:05:40.97,Default,Mimura,0,0,0,,Come again!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:40.97,0:05:42.94,Default,Lunch lady,0,0,0,,You were a big help,\NMana-chan.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:42.94,0:05:44.76,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,You're quite welcome.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:44.99,0:05:47.07,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,So... what about\Nyour bread?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.44,0:05:52.35,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,You forgot, didn't you?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.35,0:05:57.12,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,It's great how you freely give away even your own portion to others.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.12,0:05:59.52,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Your kindness\Nknows no bounds!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:02.01,0:06:03.52,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka-sama!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.52,0:06:06.26,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Yeah, yeah. I'll share\Nmy lunch with you.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:07.58,0:06:08.77,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,What happened?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:08.77,0:06:09.95,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Senpai?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:09.95,0:06:11.06,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Are you okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:11.06,0:06:11.86,Default,Injured girl,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:11.86,0:06:13.64,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Let's get you to\Nthe infirmary.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:13.92,0:06:16.51,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,She's helping someone\Nelse out again.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:16.94,0:06:18.34,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Let me help you!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.10,0:06:20.99,Default,Injured girl,0,0,0,,I'm sorry, Prez.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:20.99,0:06:23.40,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'm just glad it was\Nsomething minor.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:23.40,0:06:24.60,Default,Male student 5,0,0,0,,Ma'am!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:24.60,0:06:26.16,Default,School nurse,0,0,0,,Oh dear, what's wrong?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:26.16,0:06:31.92,Default,School nurse,0,0,0,,Ah, Aida-san, I know it's a lot to ask, but could you\Ntake the documents on my desk to the faculty room?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:31.92,0:06:32.96,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Sure!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:34.96,0:06:37.38,Default,Large male student,0,0,0,,What the heck's your\Nproblem, slimeball?!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:37.38,0:06:39.48,Default,Smaller male student,0,0,0,,The heck's yours, slimeball?! {Just copied these lines from Ep 1 --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:40.62,0:06:43.00,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey now, what's\Ngoing on here?!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:44.24,0:06:46.60,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,It's just one thing\Nafter another...
Dialogue: 0,0:06:47.20,0:06:48.75,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,M-Me too!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:17.74,0:07:19.08,Default,Ai-chan,0,0,0,,Kewpie!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:19.60,0:07:21.85,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'm back again,\NAi-chan!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:22.01,0:07:24.41,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,You even take\Ncare of a baby?!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:24.41,0:07:27.09,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yeah, would you like\Nto hold her, Jun-kun?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:28.40,0:07:30.67,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Okay, I will assist you!{Yes it seems a bit stiff, but that's intentional. Jun's being overly stiff for the situation. --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:31.62,0:07:32.16,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Here you go.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:32.16,0:07:33.66,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Easy there...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:34.77,0:07:37.08,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,She's kinda heavy, isn't she?{no, she's not you weakling, she's a FREAKING BABY!}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:40.46,0:07:41.57,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Owowowowow!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:41.85,0:07:43.70,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Ah! Stop that,\NAi-chan!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:43.70,0:07:46.31,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Don't worry, she's not really\Nbothering me that much.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:46.48,0:07:48.28,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Hey look, Ai-chan!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:52.08,0:07:53.52,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Owowowow!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:53.52,0:07:54.55,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Ai-chan!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:55.36,0:07:57.38,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Rikka, let's use that.{OH NO! NOT... THAT........}
Dialogue: 0,0:07:57.38,0:07:58.49,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:58.49,0:07:59.96,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Yo! Raquel-roll!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:11.09,0:08:12.38,Default,Ai-chan,0,0,0,,Kewpie!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:13.82,0:08:15.53,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,You look tired.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:15.53,0:08:18.78,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Of course he is. He's been\Ntrying to keep up with Mana.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:18.78,0:08:21.93,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,It's good to eat a sweet\Ntreat when one is tired. {Moar お嬢様 speech! --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:21.93,0:08:23.26,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Please, help yourself.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:23.26,0:08:24.68,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Ah, thank you.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:30.36,0:08:32.42,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Wh-What is it?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:32.42,0:08:35.19,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,You're a really hard worker,\Naren't you, Jun-kun?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:36.44,0:08:40.36,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,No, I'm nothing\Ncompared to you.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:40.36,0:08:42.90,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Anyway, today was\Nquite hectic, wasn't it?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:42.90,0:08:45.78,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yeah, but it\Nwas still fun.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:45.78,0:08:47.02,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Fun?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:47.02,0:08:54.40,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Doesn't it make you feel good when someone says\N"Thank you!" after you've made them happy?
Dialogue: 0,0:08:55.50,0:08:56.77,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Feel good...
Dialogue: 0,0:08:56.77,0:08:57.76,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yup!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:59.41,0:09:03.86,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm completely exhausted and didn't\Neven have the strength to notice.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:04.80,0:09:08.33,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}I wonder if I really can do it...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:08.86,0:09:10.54,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}Become like her, that is...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:13.38,0:09:16.13,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}No! I can't think like that.\NEven I can do it if I try!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:17.84,0:09:20.85,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,I've got something for a hard\Nworker such as yourself.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:20.85,0:09:25.20,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Here's a good luck Lovie to help make your wishes come true. {Joe's an equal opportunity pedo, w --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:25.68,0:09:28.68,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Umm... Thank you very much. {"Note to self: Visit the nearest police box on the way home." w --K}{ROFLMFAO @ Makoto's face}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:28.68,0:09:29.51,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Sure.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:33.48,0:09:36.86,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,Those blasted Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:36.86,0:09:39.08,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,He actually used Beast Mode.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:39.08,0:09:41.14,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Someone's really\Ngetting serious.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:41.14,0:09:43.06,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,There isn't going to\Nbe a second chance.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:43.06,0:09:45.52,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,You two will need to\Nget just as serious.{ROFL @ Mammo's mud mask}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:46.50,0:09:49.40,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Yeah, well I've just been\Nplayin' with them so far.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:49.40,0:09:52.07,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,That's right! Besides, I'm busy with a mud pack right now.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:52.32,0:09:55.54,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,King Selfishe's wrath is kindled.{My original TL was "King Selfishe is extremely angry now." but I think that "King Selfishe's wrath is kindled." is a much more amusing line. --K}{but how can you tell, Bel?}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:58.28,0:10:02.24,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,Don't think that he's going to let you\Nkeep playing around like you have been.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:02.65,0:10:07.99,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Well then, if that's the case,\NI guess I'll just have to get serious.{Yeah, seriously gutter ball! w --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:17.26,0:10:18.96,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,That's cheating!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:18.96,0:10:21.93,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,It doesn't matter as\Nlong as I take 'em out. {Double meaning here. --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:22.20,0:10:25.63,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Precure... I'm {\i1}so{\i0}\Ngonna take you out!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:33.56,0:10:33.70,Default,,0,0,0,,{---EYECATCH---}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:33.56,0:10:33.70,Default,,0,0,0,,{---Part 2---}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:41.70,0:10:43.98,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Are you going to\Nread {\i1}all{\i0} of these?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:43.98,0:10:49.58,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yeah. I often need to reference them while I'm\Ncounseling people, so I like to glance through them.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:49.58,0:10:51.27,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,You really {\i1}are{\i0} amazing!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:59.45,0:11:02.20,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'll get the ones\Non the top shelf.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:02.20,0:11:03.58,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Sorry.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:03.98,0:11:05.74,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm amazed he\Nhasn't given up yet.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:05.92,0:11:08.48,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,He's really dilligent.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:08.48,0:11:12.14,Default,Davi,0,0,0,,Yeah, but he seems\Nto be a bit down.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:23.76,0:11:28.10,Default,Ponytail Tennis Player,0,0,0,,Incredible! The person I'm going to face\Nin my next match serves {\i1}exactly{\i0} like that!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:28.10,0:11:29.70,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Like that?!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:29.70,0:11:31.50,Default,Ponytail Tennis Player,0,0,0,,Yes, just like\Nthat, please!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:31.50,0:11:33.57,Default,Short Hair Tennis Player,0,0,0,,The President is\Namazing as usual.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:33.57,0:11:36.94,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,That serve...\NI just can't...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:38.88,0:11:41.14,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Good luck with\Nyour match!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:41.14,0:11:43.04,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Ah! I'll carry\Nthat for you!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:43.04,0:11:44.45,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:46.14,0:11:48.75,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,It's heavy today,\Nso I'll carry it myself.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:03.17,0:12:04.14,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Alice!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:04.14,0:12:06.37,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Good day to you, everyone.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:15.78,0:12:18.48,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Were you helping Mana-chan\Nout again today?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:18.48,0:12:19.32,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:19.32,0:12:21.47,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,You must have worked\Nhard today, then.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:22.12,0:12:24.36,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}"Worked hard" huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:30.77,0:12:33.38,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}But there was\Nnothing I could...
Dialogue: 0,0:12:37.57,0:12:39.07,Default,Short-haired little girl,0,0,0,,My hat...
Dialogue: 0,0:12:39.46,0:12:40.81,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'll get it!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:40.81,0:12:42.02,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I'll help!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.18,0:12:56.28,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm short, slow,\Nand weak...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:04.60,0:13:09.22,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}No matter how much I stretch myself, I'll never be like her.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:10.57,0:13:15.44,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}I wanna be stronger. I wanna be bigger!\NI wanna be better than she is!{liberalised it a bit, but it gets the selfishness across better - Rika}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:18.02,0:13:20.28,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,{\i1}Like that'll ever happen...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:22.18,0:13:24.11,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Why {\i1}not{\i0} be\Nbetter than her?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:25.46,0:13:28.22,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,I'm gonna grant your wish.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:33.46,0:13:34.69,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Jun-kun!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:35.10,0:13:36.53,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,You!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:36.53,0:13:40.67,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Well, I guess I've got to put some\Nspirit into my fighting once it a while.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:44.92,0:13:47.77,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Dedicate unto me the\Ndarkness of your heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:03.89,0:14:06.49,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Huh? What's going on?{Hey, at least he /recognises/ it's pretty lame, unlike Bel ww}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:06.49,0:14:08.46,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,That's an... elephant?
Dialogue: 0,0:14:08.46,0:14:09.13,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Yeah, an elephant.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:09.13,0:14:10.30,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,It is indeed an elephant.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:10.30,0:14:12.71,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,I-It's cute.{nono Makoko YOU"RE cute}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:14.02,0:14:16.52,Default,Lance,0,0,0,,The elephant\Nreally {\i1}is{\i0} cute.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:16.52,0:14:18.24,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Don't call me cute!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:18.84,0:14:20.25,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,It's dangerous here, run!{It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:20.25,0:14:21.16,Default,Short-haired little girl,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:23.40,0:14:25.38,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Cheryl!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:26.28,0:14:29.31,Default,All 4 Girls,0,0,0,,Precure Love Link!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:30.21,0:14:33.70,Default,All 4 Mascots,0,0,0,,L O V E
Dialogue: 0,0:15:00.05,0:15:03.59,Default,,0,0,0,,{ROLL CALL!!!}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:00.05,0:15:03.59,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Abundant love, Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:06.25,0:15:10.35,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,The light of wisdom, Cure Diamond!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:12.62,0:15:16.76,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,Shining in the sun's warm embrace, Cure Rosetta!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:17.98,0:15:21.70,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,The courageous blade, Cure Sword!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:24.61,0:15:27.19,Default,All 4 Cures,0,0,0,,Resonate, our heartbeat of love!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:27.19,0:15:29.10,Default,All 4 Cures,0,0,0,,DokiDoki Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:30.92,0:15:33.62,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Poor, sad, and lovelorn elephant...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:33.62,0:15:38.70,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,I, Cure Heart, will make your heart beat with love again!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.08,0:15:42.05,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,I don't need your heart beat!{ドキドキなんて いらねぇよ!}
Dialogue: 0,0:15:51.53,0:15:52.62,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:54.12,0:15:55.33,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,He's strong...
Dialogue: 0,0:15:55.86,0:15:57.46,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,even though he's so cute.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:57.46,0:15:59.37,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Stop calling me cute!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:01.57,0:16:03.17,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Wanna go another round?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:03.17,0:16:06.38,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,I'm warning you;\NI'm serious today.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:06.62,0:16:09.95,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Of course! I've got\Nto save Jun-kun!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:10.12,0:16:15.82,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Who says he needs saving?\NI'm just granting him his wish, see?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:16.66,0:16:21.29,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I want to be strong... Big... Burly...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:21.29,0:16:24.93,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,See? This is what he wants.
Dialogue: 0,0:16:24.93,0:16:29.87,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,You're wrong! What you're\Ndoing isn't what he truly wants!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:29.87,0:16:34.72,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,But there's no way\NI can be like you!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:38.94,0:16:41.29,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,What did you see when\Nyou looked at Mana?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:41.29,0:16:43.75,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,Did you think you could become\Nlike her just by becoming stronger?
Dialogue: 0,0:16:44.05,0:16:45.98,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,You know that's not true!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:49.00,0:16:52.72,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,It's not like Mana could do\Neverything right from the start!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:52.72,0:16:54.94,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,She wanted to be able\Nto help everyone,
Dialogue: 0,0:16:54.94,0:16:58.12,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,so she kept plugging away until she\Nbecame the person she is today!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:03.66,0:17:05.69,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,It didn't matter what she\Ncould or could not do,
Dialogue: 0,0:17:05.69,0:17:07.56,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,what was most important\Nwas the heart of hers...
Dialogue: 0,0:17:07.56,0:17:09.93,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,that wished to do all\Nshe could for others!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:09.94,0:17:12.90,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,That heart is her\Ntrue strength!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:13.62,0:17:15.45,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,You're all giving me\Ntoo much credit.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:16.45,0:17:21.71,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,I'm always messing up and\Ngetting depressed about it.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:25.96,0:17:28.16,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,I'm no more perfect\Nthan you are, Jun-kun.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:29.72,0:17:33.92,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,You're wasting your breath.\NHe can't hear you at all.
Dialogue: 0,0:17:39.98,0:17:41.57,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,You're finished!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:49.45,0:17:50.92,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,I-I missed!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:50.92,0:17:52.32,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Why?
Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.13,0:17:58.19,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Huh? I can't move my leg...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:00.39,0:18:01.61,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,It's the Psyche!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:01.61,0:18:05.10,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Of course! Jun-kun's\Nheart is resisting him!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:06.81,0:18:09.07,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,See? It's just like I said.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:09.32,0:18:13.77,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Even if you can't be just like me,\Nyou're still supremely awesome!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:17.04,0:18:20.20,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,I'm not gonna let you\Nkeep up this cheekiness!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:22.46,0:18:24.62,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,Now it's over!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:26.46,0:18:27.39,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:28.50,0:18:35.06,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Jun-kun, who's always giving 110%,\Nreally got my blood pumping! {キュンキュン +1}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:35.28,0:18:39.80,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,So there's no way I'm\Nletting you keep his heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:40.45,0:18:44.90,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Give Jun-kun back!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:49.57,0:18:51.60,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,Love Heart Arrow!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:58.52,0:19:01.71,Default,Cure Sword,0,0,0,,Precure Sparkle Sword!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:12.10,0:19:15.23,Default,Cure Rosetta,0,0,0,,Precure Rosetta Reflection!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:21.28,0:19:22.38,Default,Ira Beast,0,0,0,,What?!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:28.65,0:19:32.62,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Precure Diamond Shower!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:45.81,0:19:48.94,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Precure Heart Shoot!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:52.30,0:19:55.49,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Jun-kun's desire to become\Nstronger through hard work...
Dialogue: 0,0:19:55.49,0:19:57.49,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,is a really straightforward wish.
Dialogue: 0,0:19:57.49,0:20:01.61,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,There's no way it would\Ncome from a selfish heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:17.26,0:20:18.99,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Blast you, Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:28.88,0:20:31.61,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Huh? What was I...
Dialogue: 0,0:20:31.61,0:20:34.15,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,You were just\Ntaking a little nap.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:37.45,0:20:40.05,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hmm? Is something wrong?{No, nothing wrong at all, I've just never even TOUCHED a girl, let alone have her let me use her lap as a pillow.......}
Dialogue: 0,0:20:40.05,0:20:42.74,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Oh, no.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:45.99,0:20:48.37,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,That guy hasn't shown\Nup lately, has he?
Dialogue: 0,0:20:48.37,0:20:50.46,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I wonder what happened\Nwith Jun-kun.
Dialogue: 0,0:20:53.43,0:20:57.47,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Oh! They're so pretty!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:57.47,0:21:00.68,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Were there always this many\Nflowers in this planter before?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:00.68,0:21:02.42,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Did they catch your eye?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:02.42,0:21:03.51,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:04.77,0:21:06.18,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Jun-kun!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:06.74,0:21:09.81,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Wait! Did you plant these?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:09.81,0:21:12.80,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Yes. Gardening's actually\Na hobby of mine. {Hey Mana, you should introduce him to Tsubomi! They'd be perfect together! w --K}
Dialogue: 0,0:21:12.80,0:21:16.05,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I already had some flowers I previously raised, so I planted them here.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:16.05,0:21:18.25,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,These are {\i1}all{\i0} yours?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:18.25,0:21:19.19,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:19.19,0:21:21.49,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I realized something.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:21.49,0:21:25.06,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I can't be strong\Nlike you, Senpai.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:25.06,0:21:32.36,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,However, I thought it would be great if\Npeople could be cheered up by my flowers.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:32.86,0:21:38.39,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I'm pretty sure this is what\NI've been looking for all along.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:39.61,0:21:40.86,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I'm so sorry!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:40.86,0:21:44.69,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,I begged to be your apprentice,\Nand then I just suddenly stopped.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:44.69,0:21:47.12,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,No, you're fine!\NAmazing even, Jun-kun!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:47.12,0:21:51.49,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'm so moved that you're able to put together such a beautiful flower bed!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:51.49,0:21:54.06,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,Are you going to take on\Napprentices yourself?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:54.06,0:21:58.56,Default,Jun,0,0,0,,Huh? Umm... I wonder?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:00.18,0:22:03.46,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm really glad Jun-kun's smiling.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:08.10,0:22:11.64,Default,Regina,0,0,0,,Oh? So those are\Nthe Precure, hmm?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:12.48,0:22:16.23,Default,Regina,0,0,0,,I've found some fun playmates!{Yes, Regina, you'll like them so much you'll most likely become Cure Ace ^__^ }
Dialogue: 1,0:22:19.85,0:22:19.89,Default,,0,0,0,,{---ED---}
Dialogue: 1,0:22:20.76,0:22:26.98,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3}{\k23}ko{\k29}no {\k56}so{\k23}ra {\k41}no {\k25}mu{\k41}ko{\k45}u {\k22}ni {\k42}wa {\k23}do{\k40}n{\k44}na {\k28}yu{\k39}me {\k22}ga {\k24}a{\k39}ru
Dialogue: 1,0:22:27.77,0:22:37.03,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\blur3}{\k24}ha{\k33}te{\k50}shi{\k24}na{\k40}ku {\k24}tsu{\k44}zu{\k43}i{\k21}te{\k43}ku {\k25}mi{\k43}ra{\k32}i {\k36}shi{\k38}n{\k21}ji{\k45}te {\k18}te {\k46}wo {\k24}no {\k38}ba{\k47}shi{\k159}te
Dialogue: 1,0:22:37.24,0:22:42.58,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k15}{\blur3}{\k22}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k21}Pu {\k22}Pu{\k21}ri{\k21}kyu{\k53}a!{\k164} {\k21}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k23}Pu {\k21}Pu{\k20}ri{\k22}kyu{\k43}a!
Dialogue: 1,0:22:44.20,0:22:48.88,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\blur3}{\k20}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k23}Pu {\k21}Pu{\k22}ri{\k21}kyu{\k22}a! {\k22}Do{\k21}ki{\k21}Do{\k22}ki {\k22}shi{\k22}yo{\k21}u {\k24}yo{\k19} {\k62}Yeah! {\k47}Yeah!
Dialogue: 1,0:22:49.17,0:22:55.47,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3\3c&HEA43EE&}{\k43}chi{\k28}i{\k56}sa {\k24}na {\k21}ko{\k23}no {\k43}te {\k41}ni{\k65} {\k44}na{\k38}ni {\k46}wo {\k44}ne{\k24}ga{\k44}u {\k30}no?
Dialogue: 1,0:22:56.09,0:23:02.31,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\blur3\3c&HEF0999&}{\k45}ki{\k42}mi {\k45}wa {\k43}i{\k23}ma {\k20}do{\k23}ko {\k21}de {\k23}{\k21}na{\k22}ni {\k20}wo {\k24}mi{\k19}te{\k22} {\k21}na{\k23}ni {\k42}wo {\k23}ka{\k22}n{\k21}ji{\k22}te{\k21}ru?
Dialogue: 1,0:23:02.39,0:23:06.48,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k15}{\blur3}{\k21}{\3c&HC6ABE6&}ne{\k23}e{\k20} {\k22}{\3c&HF9B07C&}nan {\k19}man{\k24}kou {\k20}nen {\k22}sa{\k9}ki {\k34}wa {\k44}too{\k21}ri {\k22}mi{\k21}ra{\k20}i {\k10}ja {\k41}nai!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:06.52,0:23:09.90,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k12}{\blur3}{\k14}{\3c&H24ABD2&}mo{\k8}chi{\k22}ron {\k11}ji{\k19}kan {\k15}no {\k20}ta{\k13}ni {\k21}ja {\k52}na{\k21}i {\k23}no {\k32}mo {\k10}sho{\k20}u{\k20}chi
Dialogue: 1,0:23:09.94,0:23:14.44,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3\3c&HF4DFA4&}{\k22}ki{\k22}ra{\k22}me{\k7}ku {\k13}no{\k21}zo{\k13}mi {\k31}wa {\k21}hi{\k28}ka{\k16}ri {\k22}da{\k22}t{\k23}te {\k21}ko{\k22}e{\k108}ru
Dialogue: 1,0:23:14.57,0:23:20.91,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k10}{\blur3}{\k20}ko{\k32}no {\k54}se{\k22}ka{\k40}i {\k25}tsu{\k44}na{\k42}gu {\k23}mo{\k38}no {\k26}so{\k42}re {\k44}wa {\k30}a{\k34}i {\k46}da {\k62}yo
Dialogue: 1,0:23:21.66,0:23:28.37,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k14}{\blur3}{\k22}yu{\k22}me {\k43}mo{\k18}no{\k45}ga{\k24}ta{\k38}ri {\k47}ja {\k22}na{\k43}i {\k21}do{\k44}ko {\k42}ma{\k24}de {\k42}mo {\k22}te {\k31}wo{\k11} {\k24}tsu{\k36}na{\k26}i{\k10}de
Dialogue: 1,0:23:28.42,0:23:34.59,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k24}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}ko{\k28}no {\k57}so{\k23}ra {\k42}no {\k21}mu{\k39}ko{\k47}u {\k24}ni {\k43}wa {\k22}do{\k42}n{\k42}na {\k25}yu{\k41}me {\k21}ga {\k24}a{\k44}ru
Dialogue: 1,0:23:35.42,0:23:44.76,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k22}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}{\k26}ta{\k20}i{\k41}se{\k24}tsu {\k41}ni {\k27}ka{\k37}n{\k44}ji{\k25}te{\k42}ru {\k21}to{\k39}ki{\k46}me{\k24}ki {\k40}wo {\k23}ko{\k44}no {\k24}u{\k35}ta {\k24}ni {\k38}no {\k53}se{\k174}te
Dialogue: 1,0:23:44.89,0:23:48.31,EDRomaji,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}{\k22}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k21}Pu {\k22}Pu{\k21}ri{\k21}kyu{\k22}a! {\k21}e{\k23}ga{\k21}o {\k23}de {\k22}a{\k20}e{\k22}ru {\k31}yo
Dialogue: 1,0:22:20.76,0:22:26.98,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}What kind of dreams await us beyond the heavens?
Dialogue: 1,0:22:27.77,0:22:37.03,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Just believe in and reach out to the future that stretches out endlessly before you.
Dialogue: 1,0:22:37.24,0:22:42.58,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}P-P-P-Precure! P-P-P-Precure!
Dialogue: 1,0:22:44.20,0:22:48.88,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}P-P-P-Precure! Let's get pumped! Yeah! Yeah!
Dialogue: 1,0:22:49.17,0:22:55.47,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HEA43EE&}What kinda wish do I hold in my little hands?
Dialogue: 1,0:22:56.09,0:23:02.31,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HEF0999&}Where are you now? What do you see? What do you feel?
Dialogue: 1,0:23:02.39,0:23:06.48,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HC6ABE6&}Hey, {\3c&HF9B07C&}the future's not just something that's light-years away!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:06.52,0:23:09.90,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H24ABD2&}And yes, we know that's not really a unit of time!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:09.94,0:23:14.44,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H9B7F2F&}The light of our radiant hopes will shine into the future.
Dialogue: 1,0:23:14.57,0:23:20.91,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}What ties the world together is love.
Dialogue: 1,0:23:21.66,0:23:28.37,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3}This isn't just a pipe dream. We'll be together through thick and thin.
Dialogue: 1,0:23:28.42,0:23:34.59,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}What kind of dreams await us beyond the heavens?
Dialogue: 1,0:23:35.42,0:23:44.76,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}They mean so much to us, and we'll share that through this song!
Dialogue: 1,0:23:44.89,0:23:48.31,EDEnglish,Ed Kara,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}P-P-P-Precure! We can meet with a smile.
Dialogue: 1,0:23:49.77,0:23:49.77,Default,,0,0,0,,{---ED END---}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:49.60,0:23:49.66,Default,,0,0,0,,{---Preview---}
Dialogue: 0,0:23:50.84,0:23:54.14,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,A rose that only blooms in the Trump Kingdom has appeared in our world?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:54.14,0:23:56.27,Default,Makoto,0,0,0,,That rose might give us a\Nlead to go on in our search.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:56.82,0:23:58.42,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}DokiDoki! Precure:
Dialogue: 0,0:24:01.13,0:24:03.32,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Be still my beating heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{---TYPESETTING---}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.04,0:04:22.64,Title,Title,0,0,0,,{\fad(160,0)\pos(640,195)}Mana's Decision!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.04,0:04:22.64,Title,Title,0,0,0,,{\fad(160,0)\pos(640,540)}I'm Taking on an Apprentice!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:58.42,0:24:01.13,Title,Next episode title,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,195)}Have We Finally Found Something!?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:58.42,0:24:01.13,Title,Next episode title,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,550)}A Lead on the Princess!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Sign,,0,0,0,,{---STUDENT COUNCIL BLACKBOARD---}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.46,0:06:56.50,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(218.4,257.6)\clip(m 184 170 l 204 167 223 168 235 172 244 177 257 187 262 197 266 213 269 236 269 262 264 289 258 312 252 332 258 364 270 386 278 377 279 371 304 344 305 328 311 324 304 316 308 312 312 313 322 321 332 319 337 322 339 334 339 340 343 346 341 354 334 358 324 364 322 372 313 397 311 406 432 395 451 392 467 388 477 381 475 367 464 353 465 304 489 287 498 213 590 208 650 163 652 124 460 106 211 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.50,0:06:56.53,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(217.42,257.61)\clip(m 183 170 l 203 167 222 168 234 172 243 177 256 187 261 197 265 213 268 236 268 262 263 289 257 312 251 332 257 364 269 386 277 377 278 371 303 344 304 328 310 324 303 316 307 312 311 313 321 321 331 319 336 322 338 334 338 340 342 346 340 354 333 358 323 364 321 372 312 397 310 406 431 395 450 392 466 388 476 381 474 367 463 353 464 304 488 287 497 213 589 208 649 163 651 124 459 106 210 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.53,0:06:56.56,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(216.59,257.57)\clip(m 182 170 l 202 167 221 168 233 172 242 177 255 187 260 197 264 213 267 236 267 262 262 289 256 312 250 332 256 364 268 386 276 377 277 371 302 344 303 328 309 324 302 316 306 312 310 313 320 321 330 319 335 322 337 334 337 340 341 346 339 354 332 358 322 364 320 372 311 397 309 406 430 395 449 392 465 388 475 381 473 367 462 353 463 304 487 287 496 213 588 208 648 163 650 124 458 106 209 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.56,0:06:56.60,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(215.62,257.61)\clip(m 181 170 l 201 167 220 168 232 172 241 177 254 187 259 197 263 213 266 236 266 262 261 289 255 312 249 332 255 364 267 386 275 377 276 371 301 344 302 328 308 324 301 316 305 312 309 313 319 321 329 319 334 322 336 334 336 340 340 346 338 354 331 358 321 364 319 372 310 397 308 406 429 395 448 392 464 388 474 381 472 367 461 353 462 304 486 287 495 213 587 208 647 163 649 124 457 106 208 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.60,0:06:56.63,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(214.63,257.61)\clip(m 180 170 l 200 167 219 168 231 172 240 177 253 187 258 197 262 213 265 236 265 262 260 289 254 312 248 332 254 364 266 386 274 377 275 371 300 344 301 328 307 324 300 316 304 312 308 313 318 321 328 319 333 322 335 334 335 340 339 346 337 354 330 358 320 364 318 372 309 397 307 406 428 395 447 392 463 388 473 381 471 367 460 353 461 304 485 287 494 213 586 208 646 163 648 124 456 106 207 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.63,0:06:56.66,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(213.66,257.61)\clip(m 179 170 l 199 167 218 168 230 172 239 177 252 187 257 197 261 213 264 236 264 262 259 289 253 312 247 332 253 364 265 386 273 377 274 371 299 344 300 328 306 324 299 316 303 312 307 313 317 321 327 319 332 322 334 334 334 340 338 346 336 354 329 358 319 364 317 372 308 397 306 406 427 395 446 392 462 388 472 381 470 367 459 353 460 304 484 287 493 213 585 208 645 163 647 124 455 106 206 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.66,0:06:56.70,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(212.85,257.6)\clip(m 178 170 l 198 167 217 168 229 172 238 177 251 187 256 197 260 213 263 236 263 262 258 289 252 312 246 332 252 364 264 386 272 377 273 371 298 344 299 328 305 324 298 316 302 312 306 313 316 321 326 319 331 322 333 334 333 340 337 346 335 354 328 358 318 364 316 372 307 397 305 406 426 395 445 392 461 388 471 381 469 367 458 353 459 304 483 287 492 213 584 208 644 163 646 124 454 106 205 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.70,0:06:56.73,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(211.85,257.59)\clip(m 177 170 l 197 167 216 168 228 172 237 177 250 187 255 197 259 213 262 236 262 262 257 289 251 312 245 332 251 364 263 386 271 377 272 371 297 344 298 328 304 324 297 316 301 312 305 313 315 321 325 319 330 322 332 334 332 340 336 346 334 354 327 358 317 364 315 372 306 397 304 406 425 395 444 392 460 388 470 381 468 367 457 353 458 304 482 287 491 213 583 208 643 163 645 124 453 106 204 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.73,0:06:56.76,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(210.91,257.6)\clip(m 177 170 l 197 167 216 168 228 172 237 177 250 187 255 197 259 213 262 236 262 262 257 289 251 312 245 332 251 364 263 386 271 377 272 371 297 344 298 328 304 324 297 316 301 312 305 313 315 321 325 319 330 322 332 334 332 340 336 346 334 354 327 358 317 364 315 372 306 397 304 406 425 395 444 392 460 388 470 381 468 367 457 353 458 304 482 287 491 213 583 208 643 163 645 124 453 106 204 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.76,0:06:56.80,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(209.98,257.59)\clip(m 176 170 l 196 167 215 168 227 172 236 177 249 187 254 197 258 213 261 236 261 262 256 289 250 312 244 332 250 364 262 386 270 377 271 371 296 344 297 328 303 324 296 316 300 312 304 313 314 321 324 319 329 322 331 334 331 340 335 346 333 354 326 358 316 364 314 372 305 397 303 406 424 395 443 392 459 388 469 381 467 367 456 353 457 304 481 287 490 213 582 208 642 163 644 124 452 106 203 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.80,0:06:56.83,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(209.01,257.59)\clip(m 175 170 l 195 167 214 168 226 172 235 177 248 187 253 197 257 213 260 236 260 262 255 289 249 312 243 332 249 364 261 386 269 377 270 371 295 344 296 328 302 324 295 316 299 312 303 313 313 321 323 319 328 322 330 334 330 340 334 346 332 354 325 358 315 364 313 372 304 397 302 406 423 395 442 392 458 388 468 381 466 367 455 353 456 304 480 287 489 213 581 208 641 163 643 124 451 106 202 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.83,0:06:56.86,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(208.1,257.58)\clip(m 174 170 l 194 167 213 168 225 172 234 177 247 187 252 197 256 213 259 236 259 262 254 289 248 312 242 332 248 364 260 386 268 377 269 371 294 344 295 328 301 324 294 316 298 312 302 313 312 321 322 319 327 322 329 334 329 340 333 346 331 354 324 358 314 364 312 372 303 397 301 406 422 395 441 392 457 388 467 381 465 367 454 353 455 304 479 287 488 213 580 208 640 163 642 124 450 106 201 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.86,0:06:56.90,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(207.19,257.6)\clip(m 173 170 l 193 167 212 168 224 172 233 177 246 187 251 197 255 213 258 236 258 262 253 289 247 312 241 332 247 364 259 386 267 377 268 371 293 344 294 328 300 324 293 316 297 312 301 313 311 321 321 319 326 322 328 334 328 340 332 346 330 354 323 358 313 364 311 372 302 397 300 406 421 395 440 392 456 388 466 381 464 367 453 353 454 304 478 287 487 213 579 208 639 163 641 124 449 106 200 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.90,0:06:56.93,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(206.19,257.6)\clip(m 172 170 l 192 167 211 168 223 172 232 177 245 187 250 197 254 213 257 236 257 262 252 289 246 312 240 332 246 364 258 386 266 377 267 371 292 344 293 328 299 324 292 316 296 312 300 313 310 321 320 319 325 322 327 334 327 340 331 346 329 354 322 358 312 364 310 372 301 397 299 406 420 395 439 392 455 388 465 381 463 367 452 353 453 304 477 287 486 213 578 208 638 163 640 124 448 106 199 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.93,0:06:56.96,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(205.27,257.6)\clip(m 171 170 l 191 167 210 168 222 172 231 177 244 187 249 197 253 213 256 236 256 262 251 289 245 312 239 332 245 364 257 386 265 377 266 371 291 344 292 328 298 324 291 316 295 312 299 313 309 321 319 319 324 322 326 334 326 340 330 346 328 354 321 358 311 364 309 372 300 397 298 406 419 395 438 392 454 388 464 381 462 367 451 353 452 304 476 287 485 213 577 208 637 163 639 124 447 106 198 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.96,0:06:57.00,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(204.33,257.61)\clip(m 170 170 l 190 167 209 168 221 172 230 177 243 187 248 197 252 213 255 236 255 262 250 289 244 312 238 332 244 364 256 386 264 377 265 371 290 344 291 328 297 324 290 316 294 312 298 313 308 321 318 319 323 322 325 334 325 340 329 346 327 354 320 358 310 364 308 372 299 397 297 406 418 395 437 392 453 388 463 381 461 367 450 353 451 304 475 287 484 213 576 208 636 163 638 124 446 106 197 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.00,0:06:57.03,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(203.35,257.62)\clip(m 169 170 l 189 167 208 168 220 172 229 177 242 187 247 197 251 213 254 236 254 262 249 289 243 312 237 332 243 364 255 386 263 377 264 371 289 344 290 328 296 324 289 316 293 312 297 313 307 321 317 319 322 322 324 334 324 340 328 346 326 354 319 358 309 364 307 372 298 397 296 406 417 395 436 392 452 388 462 381 460 367 449 353 450 304 474 287 483 213 575 208 635 163 637 124 445 106 196 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.03,0:06:57.06,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(202.45,257.61)\clip(m 168 170 l 188 167 207 168 219 172 228 177 241 187 246 197 250 213 253 236 253 262 248 289 242 312 236 332 242 364 254 386 262 377 263 371 288 344 289 328 295 324 288 316 292 312 296 313 306 321 316 319 321 322 323 334 323 340 327 346 325 354 318 358 308 364 306 372 297 397 295 406 416 395 435 392 451 388 461 381 459 367 448 353 449 304 473 287 482 213 574 208 634 163 636 124 444 106 195 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.06,0:06:57.10,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(201.56,257.59)\clip(m 167 170 l 187 167 206 168 218 172 227 177 240 187 245 197 249 213 252 236 252 262 247 289 241 312 235 332 241 364 253 386 261 377 262 371 287 344 288 328 294 324 287 316 291 312 295 313 305 321 315 319 320 322 322 334 322 340 326 346 324 354 317 358 307 364 305 372 296 397 294 406 415 395 434 392 450 388 460 381 458 367 447 353 448 304 472 287 481 213 573 208 633 163 635 124 443 106 194 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.10,0:06:57.13,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(200.57,257.6)\clip(m 166 170 l 186 167 205 168 217 172 226 177 239 187 244 197 248 213 251 236 251 262 246 289 240 312 234 332 240 364 252 386 260 377 261 371 286 344 287 328 293 324 286 316 290 312 294 313 304 321 314 319 319 322 321 334 321 340 325 346 323 354 316 358 306 364 304 372 295 397 293 406 414 395 433 392 449 388 459 381 457 367 446 353 447 304 471 287 480 213 572 208 632 163 634 124 442 106 193 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.13,0:06:57.16,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(199.73,257.55)\clip(m 165 170 l 185 167 204 168 216 172 225 177 238 187 243 197 247 213 250 236 250 262 245 289 239 312 233 332 239 364 251 386 259 377 260 371 285 344 286 328 292 324 285 316 289 312 293 313 303 321 313 319 318 322 320 334 320 340 324 346 322 354 315 358 305 364 303 372 294 397 292 406 413 395 432 392 448 388 458 381 456 367 445 353 446 304 470 287 479 213 571 208 631 163 633 124 441 106 192 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.16,0:06:57.20,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(198.77,257.59)\clip(m 164 170 l 184 167 203 168 215 172 224 177 237 187 242 197 246 213 249 236 249 262 244 289 238 312 232 332 238 364 250 386 258 377 259 371 284 344 285 328 291 324 284 316 288 312 292 313 302 321 312 319 317 322 319 334 319 340 323 346 321 354 314 358 304 364 302 372 293 397 291 406 412 395 431 392 447 388 457 381 455 367 444 353 445 304 469 287 478 213 570 208 630 163 632 124 440 106 191 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.20,0:06:57.23,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(197.76,257.6)\clip(m 163 170 l 183 167 202 168 214 172 223 177 236 187 241 197 245 213 248 236 248 262 243 289 237 312 231 332 237 364 249 386 257 377 258 371 283 344 284 328 290 324 283 316 287 312 291 313 301 321 311 319 316 322 318 334 318 340 322 346 320 354 313 358 303 364 301 372 292 397 290 406 411 395 430 392 446 388 456 381 454 367 443 353 444 304 468 287 477 213 569 208 629 163 631 124 439 106 190 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.23,0:06:57.26,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(196.81,257.6)\clip(m 162 170 l 182 167 201 168 213 172 222 177 235 187 240 197 244 213 247 236 247 262 242 289 236 312 230 332 236 364 248 386 256 377 257 371 282 344 283 328 289 324 282 316 286 312 290 313 300 321 310 319 315 322 317 334 317 340 321 346 319 354 312 358 302 364 300 372 291 397 289 406 410 395 429 392 445 388 455 381 453 367 442 353 443 304 467 287 476 213 568 208 628 163 630 124 438 106 189 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.26,0:06:57.30,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(195.93,257.59)\clip(m 162 170 l 182 167 201 168 213 172 222 177 235 187 240 197 244 213 247 236 247 262 242 289 236 312 230 332 236 364 248 386 256 377 257 371 282 344 283 328 289 324 282 316 286 312 290 313 300 321 310 319 315 322 317 334 317 340 321 346 319 354 312 358 302 364 300 372 291 397 289 406 410 395 429 392 445 388 455 381 453 367 442 353 443 304 467 287 476 213 568 208 628 163 630 124 438 106 189 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.30,0:06:57.33,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(194.97,257.6)\clip(m 161 170 l 181 167 200 168 212 172 221 177 234 187 239 197 243 213 246 236 246 262 241 289 235 312 229 332 235 364 247 386 255 377 256 371 281 344 282 328 288 324 281 316 285 312 289 313 299 321 309 319 314 322 316 334 316 340 320 346 318 354 311 358 301 364 299 372 290 397 288 406 409 395 428 392 444 388 454 381 452 367 441 353 442 304 466 287 475 213 567 208 627 163 629 124 437 106 188 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.33,0:06:57.36,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(193.97,257.62)\clip(m 160 170 l 180 167 199 168 211 172 220 177 233 187 238 197 242 213 245 236 245 262 240 289 234 312 228 332 234 364 246 386 254 377 255 371 280 344 281 328 287 324 280 316 284 312 288 313 298 321 308 319 313 322 315 334 315 340 319 346 317 354 310 358 300 364 298 372 289 397 287 406 408 395 427 392 443 388 453 381 451 367 440 353 441 304 465 287 474 213 566 208 626 163 628 124 436 106 187 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.36,0:06:57.40,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(193.09,257.58)\clip(m 159 170 l 179 167 198 168 210 172 219 177 232 187 237 197 241 213 244 236 244 262 239 289 233 312 227 332 233 364 245 386 253 377 254 371 279 344 280 328 286 324 279 316 283 312 287 313 297 321 307 319 312 322 314 334 314 340 318 346 316 354 309 358 299 364 297 372 288 397 286 406 407 395 426 392 442 388 452 381 450 367 439 353 440 304 464 287 473 213 565 208 625 163 627 124 435 106 186 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.40,0:06:57.43,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(192.14,257.59)\clip(m 158 170 l 178 167 197 168 209 172 218 177 231 187 236 197 240 213 243 236 243 262 238 289 232 312 226 332 232 364 244 386 252 377 253 371 278 344 279 328 285 324 278 316 282 312 286 313 296 321 306 319 311 322 313 334 313 340 317 346 315 354 308 358 298 364 296 372 287 397 285 406 406 395 425 392 441 388 451 381 449 367 438 353 439 304 463 287 472 213 564 208 624 163 626 124 434 106 185 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.43,0:06:57.46,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(191.18,257.6)\clip(m 157 170 l 177 167 196 168 208 172 217 177 230 187 235 197 239 213 242 236 242 262 237 289 231 312 225 332 231 364 243 386 251 377 252 371 277 344 278 328 284 324 277 316 281 312 285 313 295 321 305 319 310 322 312 334 312 340 316 346 314 354 307 358 297 364 295 372 286 397 284 406 405 395 424 392 440 388 450 381 448 367 437 353 438 304 462 287 471 213 563 208 623 163 625 124 433 106 184 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.46,0:06:57.50,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(190.3,257.6)\clip(m 156 170 l 176 167 195 168 207 172 216 177 229 187 234 197 238 213 241 236 241 262 236 289 230 312 224 332 230 364 242 386 250 377 251 371 276 344 277 328 283 324 276 316 280 312 284 313 294 321 304 319 309 322 311 334 311 340 315 346 313 354 306 358 296 364 294 372 285 397 283 406 404 395 423 392 439 388 449 381 447 367 436 353 437 304 461 287 470 213 562 208 622 163 624 124 432 106 183 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.50,0:06:57.53,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(189.31,257.6)\clip(m 155 170 l 175 167 194 168 206 172 215 177 228 187 233 197 237 213 240 236 240 262 235 289 229 312 223 332 229 364 241 386 249 377 250 371 275 344 276 328 282 324 275 316 279 312 283 313 293 321 303 319 308 322 310 334 310 340 314 346 312 354 305 358 295 364 293 372 284 397 282 406 403 395 422 392 438 388 448 381 446 367 435 353 436 304 460 287 469 213 561 208 621 163 623 124 431 106 182 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.53,0:06:57.56,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(188.39,257.6)\clip(m 154 170 l 174 167 193 168 205 172 214 177 227 187 232 197 236 213 239 236 239 262 234 289 228 312 222 332 228 364 240 386 248 377 249 371 274 344 275 328 281 324 274 316 278 312 282 313 292 321 302 319 307 322 309 334 309 340 313 346 311 354 304 358 294 364 292 372 283 397 281 406 402 395 421 392 437 388 447 381 445 367 434 353 435 304 459 287 468 213 560 208 620 163 622 124 430 106 181 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.56,0:06:57.60,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(187.47,257.61)\clip(m 153 170 l 173 167 192 168 204 172 213 177 226 187 231 197 235 213 238 236 238 262 233 289 227 312 221 332 227 364 239 386 247 377 248 371 273 344 274 328 280 324 273 316 277 312 281 313 291 321 301 319 306 322 308 334 308 340 312 346 310 354 303 358 293 364 291 372 282 397 280 406 401 395 420 392 436 388 446 381 444 367 433 353 434 304 458 287 467 213 559 208 619 163 621 124 429 106 180 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.60,0:06:57.63,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(186.52,257.6)\clip(m 152 170 l 172 167 191 168 203 172 212 177 225 187 230 197 234 213 237 236 237 262 232 289 226 312 220 332 226 364 238 386 246 377 247 371 272 344 273 328 279 324 272 316 276 312 280 313 290 321 300 319 305 322 307 334 307 340 311 346 309 354 302 358 292 364 290 372 281 397 279 406 400 395 419 392 435 388 445 381 443 367 432 353 433 304 457 287 466 213 558 208 618 163 620 124 428 106 179 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.63,0:06:57.66,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(185.56,257.6)\clip(m 151 170 l 171 167 190 168 202 172 211 177 224 187 229 197 233 213 236 236 236 262 231 289 225 312 219 332 225 364 237 386 245 377 246 371 271 344 272 328 278 324 271 316 275 312 279 313 289 321 299 319 304 322 306 334 306 340 310 346 308 354 301 358 291 364 289 372 280 397 278 406 399 395 418 392 434 388 444 381 442 367 431 353 432 304 456 287 465 213 557 208 617 163 619 124 427 106 178 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.66,0:06:57.70,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(184.69,257.59)\clip(m 150 170 l 170 167 189 168 201 172 210 177 223 187 228 197 232 213 235 236 235 262 230 289 224 312 218 332 224 364 236 386 244 377 245 371 270 344 271 328 277 324 270 316 274 312 278 313 288 321 298 319 303 322 305 334 305 340 309 346 307 354 300 358 290 364 288 372 279 397 277 406 398 395 417 392 433 388 443 381 441 367 430 353 431 304 455 287 464 213 556 208 616 163 618 124 426 106 177 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.70,0:06:57.73,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(183.71,257.6)\clip(m 149 170 l 169 167 188 168 200 172 209 177 222 187 227 197 231 213 234 236 234 262 229 289 223 312 217 332 223 364 235 386 243 377 244 371 269 344 270 328 276 324 269 316 273 312 277 313 287 321 297 319 302 322 304 334 304 340 308 346 306 354 299 358 289 364 287 372 278 397 276 406 397 395 416 392 432 388 442 381 440 367 429 353 430 304 454 287 463 213 555 208 615 163 617 124 425 106 176 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.73,0:06:57.76,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(182.83,257.57)\clip(m 148 170 l 168 167 187 168 199 172 208 177 221 187 226 197 230 213 233 236 233 262 228 289 222 312 216 332 222 364 234 386 242 377 243 371 268 344 269 328 275 324 268 316 272 312 276 313 286 321 296 319 301 322 303 334 303 340 307 346 305 354 298 358 288 364 286 372 277 397 275 406 396 395 415 392 431 388 441 381 439 367 428 353 429 304 453 287 462 213 554 208 614 163 616 124 424 106 175 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.76,0:06:57.80,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(181.87,257.59)\clip(m 147 170 l 167 167 186 168 198 172 207 177 220 187 225 197 229 213 232 236 232 262 227 289 221 312 215 332 221 364 233 386 241 377 242 371 267 344 268 328 274 324 267 316 271 312 275 313 285 321 295 319 300 322 302 334 302 340 306 346 304 354 297 358 287 364 285 372 276 397 274 406 395 395 414 392 430 388 440 381 438 367 427 353 428 304 452 287 461 213 553 208 613 163 615 124 423 106 174 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.80,0:06:57.83,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(180.87,257.61)\clip(m 146 170 l 166 167 185 168 197 172 206 177 219 187 224 197 228 213 231 236 231 262 226 289 220 312 214 332 220 364 232 386 240 377 241 371 266 344 267 328 273 324 266 316 270 312 274 313 284 321 294 319 299 322 301 334 301 340 305 346 303 354 296 358 286 364 284 372 275 397 273 406 394 395 413 392 429 388 439 381 437 367 426 353 427 304 452 287 461 213 553 208 613 163 615 124 422 106 173 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.83,0:06:57.86,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(179.96,257.61)\clip(m 146 170 l 166 167 185 168 197 172 206 177 219 187 224 197 228 213 231 236 231 262 226 289 220 312 214 332 220 364 232 386 240 377 241 371 266 344 267 328 273 324 266 316 270 312 274 313 284 321 294 319 299 322 301 334 301 340 305 346 303 354 296 358 286 364 284 372 275 397 273 406 394 395 413 392 429 388 439 381 437 367 426 353 427 304 451 287 460 213 552 208 612 163 614 124 422 106 173 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.86,0:06:57.90,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(179.05,257.59)\clip(m 145 170 l 165 167 184 168 196 172 205 177 218 187 223 197 227 213 230 236 230 262 225 289 219 312 213 332 219 364 231 386 239 377 240 371 265 344 266 328 272 324 265 316 269 312 273 313 283 321 293 319 298 322 300 334 300 340 304 346 302 354 295 358 285 364 283 372 274 397 272 406 393 395 412 392 428 388 438 381 436 367 425 353 426 304 450 287 459 213 551 208 611 163 613 124 421 106 172 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.90,0:06:57.93,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(178.1,257.6)\clip(m 144 170 l 164 167 183 168 195 172 204 177 217 187 222 197 226 213 229 236 229 262 224 289 218 312 212 332 218 364 230 386 238 377 239 371 264 344 265 328 271 324 264 316 268 312 272 313 282 321 292 319 297 322 299 334 299 340 303 346 301 354 294 358 284 364 282 372 273 397 271 406 392 395 411 392 427 388 437 381 435 367 424 353 425 304 449 287 458 213 550 208 610 163 612 124 420 106 171 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.93,0:06:57.96,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(177.17,257.61)\clip(m 143 170 l 163 167 182 168 194 172 203 177 216 187 221 197 225 213 228 236 228 262 223 289 217 312 211 332 217 364 229 386 237 377 238 371 263 344 264 328 270 324 263 316 267 312 271 313 281 321 291 319 296 322 298 334 298 340 302 346 300 354 293 358 283 364 281 372 272 397 270 406 391 395 410 392 426 388 436 381 434 367 423 353 424 304 448 287 457 213 549 208 609 163 611 124 419 106 170 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:57.96,0:06:58.00,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(176.27,257.59)\clip(m 142 170 l 162 167 181 168 193 172 202 177 215 187 220 197 224 213 227 236 227 262 222 289 216 312 210 332 216 364 228 386 236 377 237 371 262 344 263 328 269 324 262 316 266 312 270 313 280 321 290 319 295 322 297 334 297 340 301 346 299 354 292 358 282 364 280 372 271 397 269 406 390 395 409 392 425 388 435 381 433 367 422 353 423 304 447 287 456 213 548 208 608 163 610 124 418 106 169 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.00,0:06:58.03,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(175.28,257.6)\clip(m 141 170 l 161 167 180 168 192 172 201 177 214 187 219 197 223 213 226 236 226 262 221 289 215 312 209 332 215 364 227 386 235 377 236 371 261 344 262 328 268 324 261 316 265 312 269 313 279 321 289 319 294 322 296 334 296 340 300 346 298 354 291 358 281 364 279 372 270 397 268 406 389 395 408 392 424 388 434 381 432 367 421 353 422 304 446 287 455 213 547 208 607 163 609 124 417 106 168 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.03,0:06:58.06,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(174.34,257.6)\clip(m 140 170 l 160 167 179 168 191 172 200 177 213 187 218 197 222 213 225 236 225 262 220 289 214 312 208 332 214 364 226 386 234 377 235 371 260 344 261 328 267 324 260 316 264 312 268 313 278 321 288 319 293 322 295 334 295 340 299 346 297 354 290 358 280 364 278 372 269 397 267 406 388 395 407 392 423 388 433 381 431 367 420 353 421 304 445 287 454 213 546 208 606 163 608 124 416 106 167 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.06,0:06:58.10,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(173.44,257.63)\clip(m 139 170 l 159 167 178 168 190 172 199 177 212 187 217 197 221 213 224 236 224 262 219 289 213 312 207 332 213 364 225 386 233 377 234 371 259 344 260 328 266 324 259 316 263 312 267 313 277 321 287 319 292 322 294 334 294 340 298 346 296 354 289 358 279 364 277 372 268 397 266 406 387 395 406 392 422 388 432 381 430 367 419 353 420 304 444 287 453 213 545 208 605 163 607 124 415 106 166 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.10,0:06:58.13,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(172.47,257.62)\clip(m 138 170 l 158 167 177 168 189 172 198 177 211 187 216 197 220 213 223 236 223 262 218 289 212 312 206 332 212 364 224 386 232 377 233 371 258 344 259 328 265 324 258 316 262 312 266 313 276 321 286 319 291 322 293 334 293 340 297 346 295 354 288 358 278 364 276 372 267 397 265 406 386 395 405 392 421 388 431 381 429 367 418 353 419 304 443 287 452 213 544 208 604 163 606 124 414 106 165 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.13,0:06:58.16,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(171.54,257.6)\clip(m 137 170 l 157 167 176 168 188 172 197 177 210 187 215 197 219 213 222 236 222 262 217 289 211 312 205 332 211 364 223 386 231 377 232 371 257 344 258 328 264 324 257 316 261 312 265 313 275 321 285 319 290 322 292 334 292 340 296 346 294 354 287 358 277 364 275 372 266 397 264 406 385 395 404 392 420 388 430 381 428 367 417 353 418 304 442 287 451 213 543 208 603 163 605 124 413 106 164 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.16,0:06:58.20,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(170.63,257.59)\clip(m 136 170 l 156 167 175 168 187 172 196 177 209 187 214 197 218 213 221 236 221 262 216 289 210 312 204 332 210 364 222 386 230 377 231 371 256 344 257 328 263 324 256 316 260 312 264 313 274 321 284 319 289 322 291 334 291 340 295 346 293 354 286 358 276 364 274 372 265 397 263 406 384 395 403 392 419 388 429 381 427 367 416 353 417 304 441 287 450 213 542 208 602 163 604 124 412 106 163 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.20,0:06:58.23,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(169.66,257.6)\clip(m 135 170 l 155 167 174 168 186 172 195 177 208 187 213 197 217 213 220 236 220 262 215 289 209 312 203 332 209 364 221 386 229 377 230 371 255 344 256 328 262 324 255 316 259 312 263 313 273 321 283 319 288 322 290 334 290 340 294 346 292 354 285 358 275 364 273 372 264 397 262 406 383 395 402 392 418 388 428 381 426 367 415 353 416 304 440 287 449 213 541 208 601 163 603 124 411 106 162 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.23,0:06:58.26,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(168.79,257.58)\clip(m 134 170 l 154 167 173 168 185 172 194 177 207 187 212 197 216 213 219 236 219 262 214 289 208 312 202 332 208 364 220 386 228 377 229 371 254 344 255 328 261 324 254 316 258 312 262 313 272 321 282 319 287 322 289 334 289 340 293 346 291 354 284 358 274 364 272 372 263 397 261 406 382 395 401 392 417 388 427 381 425 367 414 353 415 304 439 287 448 213 540 208 600 163 602 124 410 106 161 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.26,0:06:58.30,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(167.82,257.59)\clip(m 133 170 l 153 167 172 168 184 172 193 177 206 187 211 197 215 213 218 236 218 262 213 289 207 312 201 332 207 364 219 386 227 377 228 371 253 344 254 328 260 324 253 316 257 312 261 313 271 321 281 319 286 322 288 334 288 340 292 346 290 354 283 358 273 364 271 372 262 397 260 406 381 395 400 392 416 388 426 381 424 367 413 353 414 304 438 287 447 213 539 208 599 163 601 124 409 106 160 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.30,0:06:58.33,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(166.86,257.61)\clip(m 132 170 l 152 167 171 168 183 172 192 177 205 187 210 197 214 213 217 236 217 262 212 289 206 312 200 332 206 364 218 386 226 377 227 371 252 344 253 328 259 324 252 316 256 312 260 313 270 321 280 319 285 322 287 334 287 340 291 346 289 354 282 358 272 364 270 372 261 397 259 406 380 395 399 392 415 388 425 381 423 367 412 353 413 304 437 287 446 213 538 208 598 163 600 124 408 106 159 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.33,0:06:58.36,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(165.93,257.6)\clip(m 132 170 l 152 167 171 168 183 172 192 177 205 187 210 197 214 213 217 236 217 262 212 289 206 312 200 332 206 364 218 386 226 377 227 371 252 344 253 328 259 324 252 316 256 312 260 313 270 321 280 319 285 322 287 334 287 340 291 346 289 354 282 358 272 364 270 372 261 397 259 406 380 395 399 392 415 388 425 381 423 367 412 353 413 304 437 287 446 213 538 208 598 163 600 124 408 106 159 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.36,0:06:58.40,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(164.98,257.62)\clip(m 131 170 l 151 167 170 168 182 172 191 177 204 187 209 197 213 213 216 236 216 262 211 289 205 312 199 332 205 364 217 386 225 377 226 371 251 344 252 328 258 324 251 316 255 312 259 313 269 321 279 319 284 322 286 334 286 340 290 346 288 354 281 358 271 364 269 372 260 397 258 406 379 395 398 392 414 388 424 381 422 367 411 353 412 304 436 287 445 213 537 208 597 163 599 124 407 106 158 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.40,0:06:58.43,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(163.99,257.63)\clip(m 130 170 l 150 167 169 168 181 172 190 177 203 187 208 197 212 213 215 236 215 262 210 289 204 312 198 332 204 364 216 386 224 377 225 371 250 344 251 328 257 324 250 316 254 312 258 313 268 321 278 319 283 322 285 334 285 340 289 346 287 354 280 358 270 364 268 372 259 397 257 406 378 395 397 392 413 388 423 381 421 367 410 353 411 304 435 287 444 213 536 208 596 163 598 124 406 106 157 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.43,0:06:58.46,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(163.12,257.59)\clip(m 129 170 l 149 167 168 168 180 172 189 177 202 187 207 197 211 213 214 236 214 262 209 289 203 312 197 332 203 364 215 386 223 377 224 371 249 344 250 328 256 324 249 316 253 312 257 313 267 321 277 319 282 322 284 334 284 340 288 346 286 354 279 358 269 364 267 372 258 397 256 406 377 395 396 392 412 388 422 381 420 367 409 353 410 304 434 287 443 213 535 208 595 163 597 124 405 106 156 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.46,0:06:58.50,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(162.23,257.59)\clip(m 128 170 l 148 167 167 168 179 172 188 177 201 187 206 197 210 213 213 236 213 262 208 289 202 312 196 332 202 364 214 386 222 377 223 371 248 344 249 328 255 324 248 316 252 312 256 313 266 321 276 319 281 322 283 334 283 340 287 346 285 354 278 358 268 364 266 372 257 397 255 406 376 395 395 392 411 388 421 381 419 367 408 353 409 304 433 287 442 213 534 208 594 163 596 124 404 106 155 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.50,0:06:58.53,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(161.24,257.61)\clip(m 127 170 l 147 167 166 168 178 172 187 177 200 187 205 197 209 213 212 236 212 262 207 289 201 312 195 332 201 364 213 386 221 377 222 371 247 344 248 328 254 324 247 316 251 312 255 313 265 321 275 319 280 322 282 334 282 340 286 346 284 354 277 358 267 364 265 372 256 397 254 406 375 395 394 392 410 388 420 381 418 367 407 353 408 304 432 287 441 213 533 208 593 163 595 124 403 106 154 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.53,0:06:58.56,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(160.34,257.6)\clip(m 126 170 l 146 167 165 168 177 172 186 177 199 187 204 197 208 213 211 236 211 262 206 289 200 312 194 332 200 364 212 386 220 377 221 371 246 344 247 328 253 324 246 316 250 312 254 313 264 321 274 319 279 322 281 334 281 340 285 346 283 354 276 358 266 364 264 372 255 397 253 406 374 395 393 392 409 388 419 381 417 367 406 353 407 304 431 287 440 213 532 208 592 163 594 124 402 106 153 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.56,0:06:58.60,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(159.38,257.6)\clip(m 125 170 l 145 167 164 168 176 172 185 177 198 187 203 197 207 213 210 236 210 262 205 289 199 312 193 332 199 364 211 386 219 377 220 371 245 344 246 328 252 324 245 316 249 312 253 313 263 321 273 319 278 322 280 334 280 340 284 346 282 354 275 358 265 364 263 372 254 397 252 406 373 395 392 392 408 388 418 381 416 367 405 353 406 304 430 287 439 213 531 208 591 163 593 124 401 106 152 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.60,0:06:58.63,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(158.39,257.6)\clip(m 124 170 l 144 167 163 168 175 172 184 177 197 187 202 197 206 213 209 236 209 262 204 289 198 312 192 332 198 364 210 386 218 377 219 371 244 344 245 328 251 324 244 316 248 312 252 313 262 321 272 319 277 322 279 334 279 340 283 346 281 354 274 358 264 364 262 372 253 397 251 406 372 395 391 392 407 388 417 381 415 367 404 353 405 304 429 287 438 213 530 208 590 163 592 124 400 106 151 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.63,0:06:58.66,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(157.48,257.61)\clip(m 123 170 l 143 167 162 168 174 172 183 177 196 187 201 197 205 213 208 236 208 262 203 289 197 312 191 332 197 364 209 386 217 377 218 371 243 344 244 328 250 324 243 316 247 312 251 313 261 321 271 319 276 322 278 334 278 340 282 346 280 354 273 358 263 364 261 372 252 397 250 406 371 395 390 392 406 388 416 381 414 367 403 353 404 304 428 287 437 213 529 208 589 163 591 124 399 106 150 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.66,0:06:58.70,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(156.62,257.59)\clip(m 122 170 l 142 167 161 168 173 172 182 177 195 187 200 197 204 213 207 236 207 262 202 289 196 312 190 332 196 364 208 386 216 377 217 371 242 344 243 328 249 324 242 316 246 312 250 313 260 321 270 319 275 322 277 334 277 340 281 346 279 354 272 358 262 364 260 372 251 397 249 406 370 395 389 392 405 388 415 381 413 367 402 353 403 304 427 287 436 213 528 208 588 163 590 124 398 106 149 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.70,0:06:58.73,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(155.61,257.61)\clip(m 121 170 l 141 167 160 168 172 172 181 177 194 187 199 197 203 213 206 236 206 262 201 289 195 312 189 332 195 364 207 386 215 377 216 371 241 344 242 328 248 324 241 316 245 312 249 313 259 321 269 319 274 322 276 334 276 340 280 346 278 354 271 358 261 364 259 372 250 397 248 406 369 395 388 392 404 388 414 381 412 367 401 353 402 304 426 287 435 213 527 208 587 163 589 124 397 106 148 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.73,0:06:58.76,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(154.67,257.61)\clip(m 120 170 l 140 167 159 168 171 172 180 177 193 187 198 197 202 213 205 236 205 262 200 289 194 312 188 332 194 364 206 386 214 377 215 371 240 344 241 328 247 324 240 316 244 312 248 313 258 321 268 319 273 322 275 334 275 340 279 346 277 354 270 358 260 364 258 372 249 397 247 406 368 395 387 392 403 388 413 381 411 367 400 353 401 304 425 287 434 213 526 208 586 163 588 124 396 106 147 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.76,0:06:58.80,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(153.76,257.61)\clip(m 119 170 l 139 167 158 168 170 172 179 177 192 187 197 197 201 213 204 236 204 262 199 289 193 312 187 332 193 364 205 386 213 377 214 371 239 344 240 328 246 324 239 316 243 312 247 313 257 321 267 319 272 322 274 334 274 340 278 346 276 354 269 358 259 364 257 372 248 397 246 406 367 395 386 392 402 388 412 381 410 367 399 353 400 304 424 287 433 213 525 208 585 163 587 124 395 106 146 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.80,0:06:58.83,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(152.82,257.6)\clip(m 118 170 l 138 167 157 168 169 172 178 177 191 187 196 197 200 213 203 236 203 262 198 289 192 312 186 332 192 364 204 386 212 377 213 371 238 344 239 328 245 324 238 316 242 312 246 313 256 321 266 319 271 322 273 334 273 340 277 346 275 354 268 358 258 364 256 372 247 397 245 406 366 395 385 392 401 388 411 381 409 367 398 353 399 304 423 287 432 213 524 208 584 163 586 124 394 106 145 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.83,0:06:58.86,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(151.85,257.61)\clip(m 117 170 l 137 167 156 168 168 172 177 177 190 187 195 197 199 213 202 236 202 262 197 289 191 312 185 332 191 364 203 386 211 377 212 371 237 344 238 328 244 324 237 316 241 312 245 313 255 321 265 319 270 322 272 334 272 340 276 346 274 354 267 358 257 364 255 372 246 397 244 406 365 395 384 392 400 388 410 381 408 367 397 353 398 304 422 287 431 213 523 208 583 163 585 124 393 106 144 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.86,0:06:58.90,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(150.89,257.6)\clip(m 116 170 l 136 167 155 168 167 172 176 177 189 187 194 197 198 213 201 236 201 262 196 289 190 312 184 332 190 364 202 386 210 377 211 371 237 344 238 328 244 324 237 316 241 312 245 313 255 321 265 319 270 322 272 334 272 340 276 346 274 354 267 358 257 364 255 372 246 397 244 406 365 395 384 392 400 388 410 381 408 367 397 353 398 304 422 287 431 213 523 208 583 163 585 124 393 106 143 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:06:58.90,0:06:58.93,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an4\bord20\shad0\fry4\c&H55595A&\3c&HDDDCE0&\fnArchitects Daughter\pos(149.99,257.63)\clip(m 116 170 l 136 167 155 168 167 172 176 177 189 187 194 197 198 213 201 236 201 262 196 289 190 312 184 332 190 364 202 386 210 377 211 371 236 344 237 328 243 324 236 316 240 312 244 313 254 321 264 319 269 322 271 334 271 340 275 346 273 354 266 358 256 364 254 372 245 397 243 406 364 395 383 392 399 388 409 381 407 367 396 353 397 304 421 287 430 213 522 208 582 163 584 124 392 106 143 101)}Previous Semester{\c&HDDDCE0&}||.....|.............................\N{\c&H55595A&}Club Funds Distribution{\c&HDDDCE0&}\N{\c&H55595A&}\h\h\h\hBaseball Club\N\h\h\h\hSoccer Club\N\h\h\h\hTennis Club\N\h\h\h\hBasketball Club
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Sign,,0,0,0,,{---HANDHELD CROSSWALK SIGN---}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.18,0:06:59.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an8\fs120\bord60\shad0\c&H030A0B&\3c&H1BEAF6&\frz349.2\pos(427.2,681.6)\clip(m 535 724 l 162 648 145 722)}CHILDREN\NCROSSING
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.28,0:06:59.41,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\fs120\bord60\shad0\c&H030A0B&\3c&H1BEAF6&\frz352.9\pos(528,681.6)\clip(m 760 603 l 243 547 234 665 256 724 814 727 827 632)}CHILDREN\NCROSSING
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.41,0:06:59.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\fs120\bord60\shad0\c&H030A0B&\3c&H1BEAF6&\frz355.4\pos(627.2,566.4)\clip(m 838 462 l 334 428 342 573 373 630 381 646 412 672 903 702 926 531 908 479)}CHILDREN\NCROSSING
Dialogue: 0,0:06:59.55,0:07:00.23,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\fs120\bord60\shad0\c&H030A0B&\3c&H1BEAF6&\pos(715.2,411.2)\clip(m 974 294 l 414 315 427 436 460 499 468 512 486 520 1011 526 1008 339 980 323)}CHILDREN\NCROSSING
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Sign,,0,0,0,,{---ANTIQUE SHOP SIGN---}
Dialogue: 2,0:07:14.80,0:07:17.77,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\bord0\fs60\i1\shad0\blur1.1\frz4.404\c&H105A6A&\fnBrush Script MT\3c&H78CBC7&\move(723.6,70.8,723.6,115.8)}Solitaire {Only "Solitaire" is in katakana, "Antique Shop" is in English --K}
Comment: 1,0:07:14.80,0:07:17.77,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,71.8)\clip(m 775 103 l 807 70 730 69 729 53 712 56 675 50 653 67 689 102)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.78,0:07:14.81,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,71.8)\clip(m 775 103 l 807 70 730 69 729 53 712 56 675 50 653 67 689 102)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.81,0:07:14.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.61,72.29)\clip(m 775 103 l 807 70 730 69 729 53 712 56 675 50 653 67 689 102)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.85,0:07:14.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,72.79)\clip(m 775 104 l 807 71 730 70 729 54 712 57 675 51 653 68 689 103)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.88,0:07:14.91,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,73.29)\clip(m 775 104 l 807 71 730 70 729 54 712 57 675 51 653 68 689 103)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.91,0:07:14.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,73.79)\clip(m 775 105 l 807 72 730 71 729 55 712 58 675 52 653 69 689 104)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.95,0:07:14.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,74.28)\clip(m 775 105 l 807 72 730 71 729 55 712 58 675 52 653 69 689 104)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.98,0:07:15.01,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,74.79)\clip(m 775 106 l 807 73 730 72 729 56 712 59 675 53 653 70 689 105)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.01,0:07:15.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,75.29)\clip(m 775 106 l 807 73 730 72 729 56 712 59 675 53 653 70 689 105)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.05,0:07:15.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,75.79)\clip(m 775 107 l 807 74 730 73 729 57 712 60 675 54 653 71 689 106)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.08,0:07:15.11,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,76.29)\clip(m 775 107 l 807 74 730 73 729 57 712 60 675 54 653 71 689 106)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.11,0:07:15.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,76.78)\clip(m 775 108 l 807 75 730 74 729 58 712 61 675 55 653 72 689 107)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.15,0:07:15.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,77.28)\clip(m 775 108 l 807 75 730 74 729 58 712 61 675 55 653 72 689 107)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.18,0:07:15.21,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,77.78)\clip(m 775 109 l 807 76 730 75 729 59 712 62 675 56 653 73 689 108)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.21,0:07:15.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,78.28)\clip(m 775 109 l 807 76 730 75 729 59 712 62 675 56 653 73 689 108)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.25,0:07:15.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,78.77)\clip(m 775 110 l 807 77 730 76 729 60 712 63 675 57 653 74 689 109)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.28,0:07:15.31,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,79.27)\clip(m 775 110 l 807 77 730 76 729 60 712 63 675 57 653 74 689 109)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.31,0:07:15.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,79.77)\clip(m 775 111 l 807 78 730 77 729 61 712 64 675 58 653 75 689 110)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.35,0:07:15.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,80.27)\clip(m 775 111 l 807 78 730 77 729 61 712 64 675 58 653 75 689 110)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.38,0:07:15.41,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,80.77)\clip(m 775 112 l 807 79 730 78 729 62 712 65 675 59 653 76 689 111)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.41,0:07:15.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord50\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,81.27)\clip(m 775 112 l 807 79 730 78 729 62 712 65 675 59 653 76 689 111)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.45,0:07:15.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,81.77)\clip(m 775 113 l 807 80 730 79 729 63 712 66 675 60 653 77 689 112)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.48,0:07:15.51,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,82.27)\clip(m 775 113 l 807 80 730 79 729 63 712 66 675 60 653 77 689 112)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.51,0:07:15.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,82.77)\clip(m 775 114 l 807 81 730 80 729 64 712 67 675 61 653 78 689 113)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.55,0:07:15.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,83.27)\clip(m 775 114 l 807 81 730 80 729 64 712 67 675 61 653 78 689 113)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.58,0:07:15.61,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,83.77)\clip(m 775 115 l 807 82 730 81 729 65 712 68 675 62 653 79 689 114)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.61,0:07:15.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,84.27)\clip(m 775 115 l 807 82 730 81 729 65 712 68 675 62 653 79 689 114)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.65,0:07:15.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,84.77)\clip(m 775 116 l 807 83 730 82 729 66 712 69 675 63 653 80 689 115)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.68,0:07:15.71,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,85.26)\clip(m 775 116 l 807 83 730 82 729 66 712 69 675 63 653 80 689 115)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.71,0:07:15.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,85.76)\clip(m 775 117 l 807 84 730 83 729 67 712 70 675 64 653 81 689 116)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.75,0:07:15.78,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.6,86.26)\clip(m 775 117 l 807 84 730 83 729 67 712 70 675 64 653 81 689 116)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.78,0:07:15.81,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,86.76)\clip(m 775 118 l 807 85 730 84 729 68 712 71 675 65 653 82 689 117)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.81,0:07:15.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,87.27)\clip(m 775 118 l 807 85 730 84 729 68 712 71 675 65 653 82 689 117)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.85,0:07:15.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,87.77)\clip(m 775 119 l 807 86 730 85 729 69 712 72 675 66 653 83 689 118)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.88,0:07:15.91,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,88.27)\clip(m 775 119 l 807 86 730 85 729 69 712 72 675 66 653 83 689 118)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.91,0:07:15.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,88.77)\clip(m 775 120 l 807 87 730 86 729 70 712 73 675 67 653 84 689 119)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.95,0:07:15.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,89.27)\clip(m 775 120 l 807 87 730 86 729 70 712 73 675 67 653 84 689 119)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.98,0:07:16.01,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,89.77)\clip(m 775 121 l 807 88 730 87 729 71 712 74 675 68 653 85 689 120)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.01,0:07:16.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,90.26)\clip(m 775 121 l 807 88 730 87 729 71 712 74 675 68 653 85 689 120)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.05,0:07:16.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,90.76)\clip(m 775 122 l 807 89 730 88 729 72 712 75 675 69 653 86 689 121)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.08,0:07:16.11,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.01\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,91.26)\clip(m 775 122 l 807 89 730 88 729 72 712 75 675 69 653 86 689 121)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.11,0:07:16.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,91.75)\clip(m 775 123 l 807 90 730 89 729 73 712 76 675 70 653 87 689 122)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.15,0:07:16.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,92.25)\clip(m 775 123 l 807 90 730 89 729 73 712 76 675 70 653 87 689 122)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.18,0:07:16.21,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,92.75)\clip(m 775 124 l 807 91 730 90 729 74 712 77 675 71 653 88 689 123)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.21,0:07:16.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,93.25)\clip(m 775 124 l 807 91 730 90 729 74 712 77 675 71 653 88 689 123)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.25,0:07:16.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.59,93.75)\clip(m 775 125 l 807 92 730 91 729 75 712 78 675 72 653 89 689 124)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.28,0:07:16.32,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,94.25)\clip(m 775 125 l 807 92 730 91 729 75 712 78 675 72 653 89 689 124)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.32,0:07:16.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,94.75)\clip(m 775 126 l 807 93 730 92 729 76 712 79 675 73 653 90 689 125)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.35,0:07:16.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,95.25)\clip(m 775 126 l 807 93 730 92 729 76 712 79 675 73 653 90 689 125)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.38,0:07:16.42,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord50.02\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,95.75)\clip(m 775 127 l 807 94 730 93 729 77 712 80 675 74 653 91 689 126)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.42,0:07:16.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,96.25)\clip(m 775 127 l 807 94 730 93 729 77 712 80 675 74 653 91 689 126)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.45,0:07:16.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,96.75)\clip(m 775 128 l 807 95 730 94 729 78 712 81 675 75 653 92 689 127)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.48,0:07:16.52,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,97.25)\clip(m 775 128 l 807 95 730 94 729 78 712 81 675 75 653 92 689 127)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.52,0:07:16.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,97.75)\clip(m 775 129 l 807 96 730 95 729 79 712 82 675 76 653 93 689 128)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.55,0:07:16.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,98.24)\clip(m 775 129 l 807 96 730 95 729 79 712 82 675 76 653 93 689 128)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.58,0:07:16.62,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,98.74)\clip(m 775 130 l 807 97 730 96 729 80 712 83 675 77 653 94 689 129)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.62,0:07:16.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,99.23)\clip(m 775 130 l 807 97 730 96 729 80 712 83 675 77 653 94 689 129)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.65,0:07:16.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,99.74)\clip(m 775 131 l 807 98 730 97 729 81 712 84 675 78 653 95 689 130)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.68,0:07:16.72,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord50.03\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,100.24)\clip(m 775 131 l 807 98 730 97 729 81 712 84 675 78 653 95 689 130)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.72,0:07:16.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,100.73)\clip(m 775 132 l 807 99 730 98 729 82 712 85 675 79 653 96 689 131)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.75,0:07:16.78,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord50.05\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,101.23)\clip(m 775 132 l 807 99 730 98 729 82 712 85 675 79 653 96 689 131)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.78,0:07:16.82,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord50.05\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,101.73)\clip(m 775 133 l 807 100 730 99 729 83 712 86 675 80 653 97 689 132)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.82,0:07:16.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,102.23)\clip(m 775 133 l 807 100 730 99 729 83 712 86 675 80 653 97 689 132)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.85,0:07:16.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,102.72)\clip(m 775 134 l 807 101 730 100 729 84 712 87 675 81 653 98 689 133)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.88,0:07:16.92,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.58,103.23)\clip(m 775 134 l 807 101 730 100 729 84 712 87 675 81 653 98 689 133)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.92,0:07:16.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,103.73)\clip(m 775 135 l 807 102 730 101 729 85 712 88 675 82 653 99 689 134)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.95,0:07:16.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord50.04\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,104.23)\clip(m 775 135 l 807 102 730 101 729 85 712 88 675 82 653 99 689 134)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.98,0:07:17.02,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.1\fscy100.1\an5\bord50.05\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.57,104.73)\clip(m 775 136 l 807 103 730 102 729 86 712 89 675 83 653 100 689 135)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.02,0:07:17.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.11\fscy100.11\an5\bord50.06\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.56,105.23)\clip(m 775 136 l 807 103 730 102 729 86 712 89 675 83 653 100 689 135)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.05,0:07:17.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.12\fscy100.12\an5\bord50.06\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.55,105.73)\clip(m 775 137 l 807 104 730 103 729 87 712 90 675 84 653 101 689 136)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.08,0:07:17.12,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.13\fscy100.13\an5\bord50.06\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.55,106.23)\clip(m 775 137 l 807 104 730 103 729 87 712 90 675 84 653 101 689 136)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.12,0:07:17.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.14\fscy100.14\an5\bord50.07\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.54,106.73)\clip(m 775 138 l 807 105 730 104 729 88 712 91 675 85 653 102 689 137)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.15,0:07:17.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.15\fscy100.15\an5\bord50.08\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.54,107.23)\clip(m 775 138 l 807 105 730 104 729 88 712 91 675 85 653 102 689 137)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.18,0:07:17.22,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.17\fscy100.17\an5\bord50.08\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.54,107.74)\clip(m 775 139 l 807 106 730 105 729 89 712 92 675 86 653 103 689 138)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.22,0:07:17.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.18\fscy100.18\an5\bord50.09\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.54,108.24)\clip(m 775 139 l 807 106 730 105 729 89 712 92 675 86 653 103 689 138)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.25,0:07:17.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,108.73)\clip(m 775 140 l 807 107 730 106 729 90 712 93 675 87 653 104 689 139)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.28,0:07:17.32,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,109.24)\clip(m 775 141 l 807 107 730 106 729 90 712 93 675 87 653 104 689 139)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.32,0:07:17.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,109.74)\clip(m 775 141 l 807 108 730 107 729 91 712 94 675 88 653 105 689 140)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.35,0:07:17.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,110.24)\clip(m 775 142 l 807 108 730 107 729 91 712 94 675 88 653 105 689 141)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.38,0:07:17.42,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,110.74)\clip(m 775 142 l 807 109 730 108 729 92 712 95 675 89 653 106 689 141)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.42,0:07:17.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,111.25)\clip(m 775 143 l 807 109 730 108 729 92 712 95 675 89 653 106 689 142)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.45,0:07:17.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,111.75)\clip(m 775 143 l 807 110 730 109 729 93 712 96 675 90 653 107 689 142)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.48,0:07:17.52,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,112.25)\clip(m 775 144 l 807 110 730 109 729 93 712 96 675 90 653 107 689 143)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.52,0:07:17.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,112.74)\clip(m 775 144 l 807 111 730 110 729 94 712 97 675 91 653 108 689 143)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.55,0:07:17.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,113.24)\clip(m 775 145 l 807 111 730 110 729 94 712 97 675 91 653 108 689 144)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.58,0:07:17.62,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.22\fscy100.22\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,113.74)\clip(m 775 145 l 807 112 730 111 729 95 712 98 675 92 653 109 689 144)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.62,0:07:17.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord50.1\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,114.24)\clip(m 775 146 l 807 112 730 111 729 95 712 98 675 92 653 109 689 144)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.65,0:07:17.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.22\fscy100.22\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,114.74)\clip(m 775 146 l 807 113 730 112 729 96 712 99 675 93 653 110 689 145)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.68,0:07:17.72,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.23\fscy100.23\an5\bord50.11\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.53,115.24)\clip(m 775 147 l 807 113 730 112 729 96 712 99 675 93 653 110 689 146)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.72,0:07:17.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.25\fscy100.25\an5\bord50.12\i1\fs60\shad0\blur5.01\frz4.404\c&H78CBC7&\fnBrush Script MT\b1\3c&H55C1BC&\pos(723.52,115.74)\clip(m 775 147 l 807 114 730 113 729 97 712 100 675 94 653 111 689 146)}-----
Comment: 1,0:07:14.80,0:07:17.77,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\an5\bord150\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,70.8)\clip(m 732 68 l 806 68 796 50 732 49)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.78,0:07:14.81,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord150\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,70.8)\clip(m 732 68 l 806 68 796 50 732 49)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.81,0:07:14.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\an5\bord149.99\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.61,71.29)\clip(m 732 68 l 806 68 796 50 732 49)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.85,0:07:14.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,71.79)\clip(m 732 69 l 806 69 796 51 732 50)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.88,0:07:14.91,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord150\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,72.29)\clip(m 732 69 l 806 69 796 51 732 50)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.91,0:07:14.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord150\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,72.79)\clip(m 732 70 l 806 70 796 52 732 51)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.95,0:07:14.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx99.99\fscy99.99\an5\bord149.99\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,73.28)\clip(m 732 70 l 806 70 796 52 732 51)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:14.98,0:07:15.01,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,73.79)\clip(m 732 71 l 806 71 796 53 732 52)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.01,0:07:15.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,74.29)\clip(m 732 71 l 806 71 796 53 732 52)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.05,0:07:15.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,74.79)\clip(m 732 72 l 806 72 796 54 732 53)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.08,0:07:15.11,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,75.29)\clip(m 732 72 l 806 72 796 54 732 53)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.11,0:07:15.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,75.78)\clip(m 732 73 l 806 73 796 55 732 54)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.15,0:07:15.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,76.28)\clip(m 732 73 l 806 73 796 55 732 54)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.18,0:07:15.21,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,76.78)\clip(m 732 74 l 806 74 796 56 732 55)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.21,0:07:15.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100\fscy100\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,77.28)\clip(m 732 74 l 806 74 796 56 732 55)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.25,0:07:15.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,77.77)\clip(m 732 75 l 806 75 796 57 732 56)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.28,0:07:15.31,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,78.27)\clip(m 732 75 l 806 75 796 57 732 56)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.31,0:07:15.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,78.77)\clip(m 732 76 l 806 76 796 58 732 57)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.35,0:07:15.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,79.27)\clip(m 732 76 l 806 76 796 58 732 57)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.38,0:07:15.41,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,79.77)\clip(m 732 77 l 806 77 796 59 732 58)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.41,0:07:15.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.01\fscy100.01\an5\bord150.01\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,80.27)\clip(m 732 77 l 806 77 796 59 732 58)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.45,0:07:15.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,80.77)\clip(m 732 78 l 806 78 796 60 732 59)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.48,0:07:15.51,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.02\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,81.27)\clip(m 732 78 l 806 78 796 60 732 59)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.51,0:07:15.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,81.77)\clip(m 732 79 l 806 79 796 61 732 60)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.55,0:07:15.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,82.27)\clip(m 732 79 l 806 79 796 61 732 60)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.58,0:07:15.61,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,82.77)\clip(m 732 80 l 806 80 796 62 732 61)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.61,0:07:15.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord150.06\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,83.27)\clip(m 732 80 l 806 80 796 62 732 61)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.65,0:07:15.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,83.77)\clip(m 732 81 l 806 81 796 63 732 62)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.68,0:07:15.71,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,84.26)\clip(m 732 81 l 806 81 796 63 732 62)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.71,0:07:15.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,84.76)\clip(m 732 82 l 806 82 796 64 732 63)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.75,0:07:15.78,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.6,85.26)\clip(m 732 82 l 806 82 796 64 732 63)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.78,0:07:15.81,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,85.76)\clip(m 732 83 l 806 83 796 65 732 64)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.81,0:07:15.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,86.26)\clip(m 732 83 l 806 83 796 65 732 64)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.85,0:07:15.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,86.77)\clip(m 732 84 l 806 84 796 66 732 65)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.88,0:07:15.91,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,87.27)\clip(m 732 84 l 806 84 796 66 732 65)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.91,0:07:15.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,87.77)\clip(m 732 85 l 806 85 796 67 732 66)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.95,0:07:15.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,88.27)\clip(m 732 85 l 806 85 796 67 732 66)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:15.98,0:07:16.01,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord150.06\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,88.77)\clip(m 732 86 l 806 86 796 68 732 67)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.01,0:07:16.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,89.26)\clip(m 732 86 l 806 86 796 68 732 67)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.05,0:07:16.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.02\fscy100.02\an5\bord150.03\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,89.76)\clip(m 732 87 l 806 87 796 69 732 68)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.08,0:07:16.11,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,90.26)\clip(m 732 87 l 806 87 796 69 732 68)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.11,0:07:16.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,90.75)\clip(m 732 88 l 806 88 796 70 732 69)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.15,0:07:16.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.03\fscy100.03\an5\bord150.04\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,91.25)\clip(m 732 88 l 806 88 796 70 732 69)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.18,0:07:16.21,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord150.05\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,91.75)\clip(m 732 89 l 806 89 796 71 732 70)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.21,0:07:16.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.04\fscy100.04\an5\bord150.06\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,92.25)\clip(m 732 89 l 806 89 796 71 732 70)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.25,0:07:16.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord150.07\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.59,92.74)\clip(m 732 90 l 806 90 796 72 732 71)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.28,0:07:16.32,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord150.07\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,93.25)\clip(m 732 90 l 806 90 796 72 732 71)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.32,0:07:16.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord150.09\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,93.75)\clip(m 732 91 l 806 91 796 73 732 72)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.35,0:07:16.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord150.07\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,94.25)\clip(m 732 91 l 806 91 796 73 732 72)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.38,0:07:16.42,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.05\fscy100.05\an5\bord150.07\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,94.75)\clip(m 732 92 l 806 92 796 74 732 73)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.42,0:07:16.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord150.09\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,95.25)\clip(m 732 92 l 806 92 796 74 732 73)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.45,0:07:16.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord150.09\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,95.74)\clip(m 732 93 l 806 93 796 75 732 74)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.48,0:07:16.52,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.06\fscy100.06\an5\bord150.09\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,96.25)\clip(m 732 93 l 806 93 796 75 732 74)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.52,0:07:16.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord150.1\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,96.75)\clip(m 732 94 l 806 94 796 76 732 75)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.55,0:07:16.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord150.1\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,97.24)\clip(m 732 94 l 806 94 796 76 732 75)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.58,0:07:16.62,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.11\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,97.74)\clip(m 732 95 l 806 95 796 77 732 76)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.62,0:07:16.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.11\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,98.23)\clip(m 732 95 l 806 95 796 77 732 76)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.65,0:07:16.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.12\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,98.73)\clip(m 732 96 l 806 96 796 78 732 77)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.68,0:07:16.72,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.07\fscy100.07\an5\bord150.1\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,99.24)\clip(m 732 96 l 806 96 796 78 732 77)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.72,0:07:16.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord150.13\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,99.73)\clip(m 732 97 l 806 97 796 79 732 78)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.75,0:07:16.78,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord150.14\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,100.23)\clip(m 732 97 l 806 97 796 79 732 78)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.78,0:07:16.82,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord150.14\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,100.73)\clip(m 732 98 l 806 98 796 80 732 79)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.82,0:07:16.85,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.12\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,101.23)\clip(m 732 98 l 806 98 796 80 732 79)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.85,0:07:16.88,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord150.13\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,101.72)\clip(m 732 99 l 806 99 796 81 732 80)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.88,0:07:16.92,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.09\fscy100.09\an5\bord150.13\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.58,102.22)\clip(m 732 99 l 806 99 796 81 732 80)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.92,0:07:16.95,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.12\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,102.73)\clip(m 732 100 l 806 100 796 82 732 81)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.95,0:07:16.98,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.08\fscy100.08\an5\bord150.12\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,103.23)\clip(m 732 100 l 806 100 796 82 732 81)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:16.98,0:07:17.02,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.1\fscy100.1\an5\bord150.15\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.57,103.73)\clip(m 732 101 l 806 101 796 83 732 82)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.02,0:07:17.05,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.11\fscy100.11\an5\bord150.17\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.56,104.23)\clip(m 732 101 l 806 101 796 83 732 82)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.05,0:07:17.08,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.12\fscy100.12\an5\bord150.18\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.55,104.73)\clip(m 732 102 l 806 102 796 84 732 83)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.08,0:07:17.12,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.13\fscy100.13\an5\bord150.19\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.55,105.23)\clip(m 732 102 l 806 102 796 84 732 83)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.12,0:07:17.15,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.14\fscy100.14\an5\bord150.21\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.54,105.73)\clip(m 732 103 l 806 103 796 85 732 84)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.15,0:07:17.18,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.15\fscy100.15\an5\bord150.23\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.54,106.23)\clip(m 732 103 l 806 103 796 85 732 84)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.18,0:07:17.22,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.17\fscy100.17\an5\bord150.25\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.54,106.74)\clip(m 732 104 l 806 104 796 86 732 85)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.22,0:07:17.25,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.18\fscy100.18\an5\bord150.26\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.54,107.24)\clip(m 732 104 l 806 104 796 86 732 85)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.25,0:07:17.28,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord150.3\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,107.73)\clip(m 732 105 l 806 105 796 87 732 86)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.28,0:07:17.32,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.31\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,108.24)\clip(m 732 105 l 806 105 796 87 732 86)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.32,0:07:17.35,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.32\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,108.74)\clip(m 732 106 l 806 106 796 88 732 87)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.35,0:07:17.38,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.31\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,109.24)\clip(m 732 106 l 806 106 796 88 732 87)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.38,0:07:17.42,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.32\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,109.74)\clip(m 732 107 l 806 107 796 89 732 88)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.42,0:07:17.45,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.31\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,110.24)\clip(m 732 107 l 806 107 796 89 732 88)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.45,0:07:17.48,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.32\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,110.74)\clip(m 732 108 l 806 108 796 90 732 89)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.48,0:07:17.52,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord150.3\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,111.25)\clip(m 732 108 l 806 108 796 90 732 89)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.52,0:07:17.55,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.32\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,111.74)\clip(m 732 109 l 806 109 796 91 732 90)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.55,0:07:17.58,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.2\fscy100.2\an5\bord150.31\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,112.24)\clip(m 732 109 l 806 109 796 91 732 90)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.58,0:07:17.62,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.22\fscy100.22\an5\bord150.32\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,112.74)\clip(m 732 110 l 806 110 796 92 732 91)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.62,0:07:17.65,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.21\fscy100.21\an5\bord150.31\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,113.24)\clip(m 732 110 l 806 110 796 92 732 91)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.65,0:07:17.68,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.22\fscy100.22\an5\bord150.34\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,113.74)\clip(m 732 111 l 806 111 796 93 732 92)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.68,0:07:17.72,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.23\fscy100.23\an5\bord150.34\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.53,114.24)\clip(m 732 111 l 806 111 796 93 732 92)}-----
Dialogue: 1,0:07:17.72,0:07:17.75,Sign,Sign,0,0,0,,{\fscx100.25\fscy100.25\an5\bord150.37\shad0\c&H83CFCE&\3c&H54C0BC&\pos(723.52,114.74)\clip(m 732 112 l 806 112 796 94 732 93)}-----
Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,{---Sponsors---}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:12.34,0:02:18.35,Default,Sponsors,0,0,0,,DokiDoki! Precure is brought to you by Bandai {\fscx250}-{\r}
Dialogue: 0,0:02:19.25,0:02:23.19,Default,Sponsors,0,0,0,,the company that makes things fun,\Nand the following sponsors.
Dialogue: 0,0:24:05.18,0:24:10.88,Default,Sponsors,0,0,0,,DokiDoki! Precure was brought to you by Bandai {\fscx250}-{\r}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:12.21,0:24:15.75,Default,Sponsors,0,0,0,,the company that makes things fun,\Nand the following sponsors.