Talk:Fresh Precure Episode 05
Translation Notes
Part 1 -- Prologue
Gah... speak clearer dang you Yuuki! XD
This is my best guess.
たしょう ごういんなくらいが
たしょう - to some extent, somewhat
Being a little aggressive
Though further research and contemplation has led me to believe that "aggressive" is the wrong word.
Use "assertive" instead.
is the perfect (something) for women.
So I think the literal would be something like:
"Being in a slightly aggressive position is just right when dealing with women."
More succinctly, "It's okay to be a bit aggressive when it comes to women."
Though I decided to change "aggessive" to "assertive" as noted above.
Literally, "Just what I would expect from a learned man such as yourself."
In this instance, sensei does not mean teacher... it means more like "learned man."
I just decided to go with "fortune teller."
"Go and do it with that thought in mind." Was my translation.
A wonderful happiness should visit you.
"A place called an amusement park..."
Yeah, this is a loose translation, I just can't keep up with his rambling here, but I think I got the overall gist of it. ^^;
Part 2
Just writing down lines here that I needed to ponder a bit before translation. n.n
Part 3
"What would be good to go (in)?"
Or... "What should I wear?"
..... What? XD I'm hoping I got all the mora correct on this one... but it still makes no sense.
According to my Japanese friends, he's saying, essentially, "If Peach-han is going on a date, I should get dressed up." Or something like that.
Part 4
I translated that as, "You certainly seem to be." Mostly because I found an entry in goo辞書 that mentions a meaning like this when け and さ are stuck together like that. Best I could come up with. ;)
Part 5
Okay, I think I've made out what Love is saying before splashdown.
ぜっきょう ゲット だよ!
Which is still hard to find meaning in... it really sounds meaningless. ^^;;
ぜっきょう is "exclamation; scream; shout"
ぜっきょうマシン or ぜっきょうマシーン (literally: scream machine) is a rollercoaster or other other thrill ride
So she's literally saying, "I got screaming!" I think meaning that she's having fun screaming her lungs out on the rides.
So, I think I'm going to translate that as, "This is so much fun!"
Part 6
さき から ずっと だいすけ と ふたり だけ なんて つまない よ ね。
"From a while back, things like just being alone with Daisuke for so long is boring."
"It's boring just being alone with Daisuke for so long."
Interpreting つまない as a colloquial つまらない.
…ただ せっかく みんな できた なのに なぁ と おもうて
"Ah! No, no, that's not what I meant. It's not that I don't like being with you Daisuke, I was just thinking that we all came together..."
There's the implication here that they went to the trouble of coming as a group to have fun together, and now they've somehow been split up, so I think she's worried that everyone might not be having as much fun as they could by being together.
That transcription above is only the last part of what love says, as best as I could make it out.
おまえ が ふに きっぷ こわす…
Gah... I just can't make enough out here to make sense of this sentence. Dunno even if what I've transcribed on the line above is even correct.
She's saying やばい here, as an interjection of distress, which is why I translated it as "Ack!" WWWJDIC has several definitions, one of which is the interjection "crap!" which is not something I could picture Love saying, so I substituted another interjection.
Part 7
Nakewameke summoning
Okay, so if I remember correctly, the Nakewameke summoning has been previously translated as, "Nakewameke, unleash your evil!"
However, I've come up with a completely different translation, based on listening to it.
What I'm hearing: なけわめけ、われ に つかい よ(う)!
われ being an archaic first-person pronoun, and つかい being a form of 使う (to use).
Thus it's more like, "Nakewameke is being used by me."
So I think perhaps a better translation may be something like, "Nakewameke, I summon thee!" using the archaic "thee" to reflect the archaic speech pattern. However, the "...unleash your evil!" line is probably along the same lines as I'm thinking, I just think it's a bit more embellished and taking a bit more liberty with the translation.
Anyway, I'll just stick with (what I remember as being) the established line for now.
きっさま の きょうふ の さけべ で、ふこ の guage が びた されて ゆく のだ
Hmm.... best I can come up with is: "Your cries of terror will feed the fuko gague."
I think びた is probably vitamin. Also, are we translating "fuko" or leaving it untranslated?
もう、せっかく ねたに おきちゃうじゃない。 な、なの
"Gah, I just got her to sleep, and now something's trying to wake her up. Wha--what?!?"
しろ くろ つけろん、 なけわめけ! (???)
Well, shiro kuro is white and black. So what I have is something like, "Show 'em the black and white, Nakewameke!"
"With this, the fuko gauge has advanced."
Well, this is the best I could make sense of what Wester was saying, a more literal translation of what I think he said is, "With this, the fuko gauge has growled/hummed/etc. again."
Part 8
"That couldn't be helped..."
This is my best attempt at handling that cut-off sentence, especially since the critical stuff that would cause her to be cut-off wouldn't happen until the middle or end of the sentence.
Literal: "Because we were in the middle of a conversation."
I think "To continue the conversation we were in the middle of..." flows better in English.
Onii-san verses Ojii-san
I tried to convey the difference between the two as best as I could.
Part 9
No notes at this time.