DokiDoki Precure Episode 09

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Translation: Kanmuri

TL in progress



Mana: It's a beautiful morning.
Rikka: "Suddenly -- とつぜんに" {Yes, she's studying Japanese<-->English flashcards. The Hiragana there is intentional. Romaji: "totsuzen ni" --K}
"Quickly -- 素早く" {Could we put furigana on this one? すばや goes over the 素早. Romaji: "subayaku" --K}

Mana: Hmm? Whatcha doin'?

Rikka: My daily reviews.
We've been really busy lately, right?
We've also got Student Council work to do at school, so I'm squeezing in some studying in where I can.

Mana: Ah, that's why you're the top student at our school!

Joe: A sharp mind makes a woman even more beautiful.
I'm sure you'll grow into a lovely lady.

Rikka: {デレデレ}Oh please stop, you tease!
Mana + Rikka: Oh, hey mister!

Ai-chan: Kewpie!

Mana: Good morning, Ai-chan!

Joe: I'm glad I found you two.
Here's your mama!

Mana: Ai-chan!

Joe: That's a relief.
Truth is I was just informed that some fancy jewelry once worn by a princess from the Heian period has been found.
I'm off to purchase it, so I'll leave Ai-chan in your care.

Rikka: W-Wait a minute, here!

Mana: We can't do that! We're heading to school now.

Joe: But I don't have anyone else I can leave her with.
And she's so happy when she's with her mama, too.

Ai-chan: Ai!

Rikka + Mana: Ahh... So cute!

Joe: I'm off!

Mana: Wai-!

Rikka: We've been had...

Mana: Now what do we do?

Cheryl: Hello, you two?

Raquel: Aren't you forgetting about someone?


Part 1

Title: What a mess! Ai-chan goes to school!!
Mana: You'll take care of Ai-chan?

Cheryl: Yeah, we'll take good care of her!

Rikka: Are you sure you can handle that?

Raquel: What's that reaction for?

Cheryl: Do you think we're unreliable?

Mana: No, not really...

Cheryl: Let's call Lance over too, then.

Alice: Hello?

Rikka: You guys can make phone calls too?

Raquel: Yeah, Davi showed us how.

Alice: Well, that is a predicament.

Lance: Is it okay for me to go, then?

Alice: But of course!

Lance: I flew over right away!

Raquel: Now we're ready! {これでバッチリ!}

Cheryl: You can count on Cheryl!

Mana: Okay, your passion is proof you're serious!

Cheryl + Raquel + Lance: Yay!

Baseball Captain: There she is!

Soccer Captain: Student Council President!

Baseball Captain: Please hear me out, the Soccer team's being unreasonable.

Soccer Captain: No, the Baseball team's at fault here.

Baseball Captain: Huh? Stop lying!

Soccer Captain: Who's lying?!

Both Captains: What's that? You wanna fight?!

Mana: Stop!
Sportsmen should shake hands before a match.
Now, tell me why you two are fighting.

Baseball Captian: The truth is...

Rikka: Let's take this chance to head to the Student Council Room.

Mana: In short, you two are fighting over who gets to use the field for morning practice, right? {グラウンド is Engrish xD --K}

Both Captains: Yeah...

{Begin description of schedule closeup for typsetting}
Top: Baseball team field use schedule
Top Row: (Days of the Week) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat {Adjust abbreviations as necessary to fit --K}
Left side (top): Morn. {Abbreviation of morning, adjust as necessary. --K}
Left side (bottom): After School {Not sure how to abbreviate this, may need to write it vertically. --K}
{End schedule closeup}

Mana: How about following this daily alternating schedule from now on?

Soccer Captain: I guess...

Baseball Captain: That'll work...

Mana: Well that's settled, then.

Sign: Student Council Room

Rikka: Noone should come in here until after school.
Mana and I will come by to check on her from time to time during school.{Yeah, bunting on this line. --K}
Please take care of her today, you three.

Cheryl: She's in good hands.

Rikka: I've gotta go. I'm counting on you!

{Cheryl just says "Cheryl" here, skipping that.}

Raquel: You got it!

Lance: We're going to be your papa...
Cheryl: and mama for a little bit today. {Moved the "for a little bit today" to the end of Cheryl's bit to make it flow better. --K}

Ai-chan: Kewpie!

Cheryl: She really is so cute!

Lance: Let's play upsy-daisy.

Ai-chan: Kewpie!

Raquel: Such charming bonding.

Lance: Ai-chan, stop....

Cheryl: You can endure that much.

Lance: Ai-chan, wait!

Ai-chan: Ai!

Raquel: Lance!

Ai-chan: Kewpietwump!

Raquel: Help me!

Cheryl: Ai-chan...

Ai-chan: Kewpietwump!

Sign: Student Council Room {It jumps around *alot* here, may not be worth it to have the typesetting follow it. --Kanmuri}

Mana: How's Ai-chan doing?
Good, she seems fine.

Rikka: What happened here?

Cheryl: Nothing wrong here. We were just happily playing with Ai-chan.

Mana: What kind of playing got the room this messy?

Rikka: You weren't, perchance, being played with?
Isn't it time for her milk?

Mana: Cheryl, if you please?

Cheryl: Sure!

Mana: Huh? What's wrong?

Rikka: Huh? Umm... Lemme think, there's many reasons why she wouldn't want to drink her milk...
Sorry! I don't know.

Mana: No way!
{\i1}Please, don't cry...
What's this?

Raquel: A new Cure Lovie's appeared.
Let's try it out.

Raquel: Yo! Raquel-roll! {ヨー! チェケラケ! Tried to come up with an an amusing play on Raquel's name that sort of matched the Japanese one --K}

Rikka: It's night in here now.

Ai-chan: Ai!

Mana: Why did that Cure Lovie appear?

Rikka: Perhaps it materialized in response to Mana's feelings?

Raquel: Exactly!
Cure Lovies are created from the love nurtured in your heart.

Lance: what Davi said.

Rikka: Geez Raquel, you should tell us important stuff like this right away.

Mana: Ah, we've gotta go.
We're counting on your continued help with Ai-chan.

Cheryl: Leave it to us.

Raquel: When she's quiet like this, she really does look like an angel.

Cheryl: We should just let her keep sleeping like this.

Lance: Someone's coming.

Cheryl: What are you doing? You're gonna wake up Ai-chan!

Ai-chan: Ai!

Cheryl: Ai-chan, shh!

Lance: Someone really is coming now.

Male Student: Is someone in here?

Ai-chan: Ai!

Cheryl: Quiet!

Ai-chan: Ai!

Cheryl: You can't just run off on your own!

Lance: Rikka, you liar. You said no one would come.

Raquel: You've got no room to talk, Lance.

Ai-chan: Kewpie!

Cheryl: Ah! She's heading inside!

Sign: Art Room

Ai-chan: Kewpietwump!

Male Student: Hey, don't just change the pose all of a sudden!
Why? Why is it chasing me?!
Stop! Stop!

Ai-chan: Yay!

Teacher: And therefore...

PE Teacher: Okay, today's class is over now.

Male Students: Right.

Ai-chan: Kewpietwump!

PE Teacher: Hey, I said class is over!

Ai-chan: Ai! Ai!

Cheryl: Ai-chan, wait!

Ai-chan: Kewpie!
