DokiDoki Precure Episode 09
Translation: Kanmuri
TL in progress
Mana: It's a beautiful morning.
Rikka: "Suddenly -- とつぜんに" {Yes, she's studying Japanese<-->English flashcards. The Hiragana there is intentional. Romaji: "totsuzen ni" --K}
"Quickly -- 素早く" {Could we put furigana on this one? すばや goes over the 素早. Romaji: "subayaku" --K}
Mana: Hmm? Whatcha doin'?
Rikka: My daily reviews.
We've been really busy lately, right?
We've also got Student Council work to do at school, so I'm squeezing in some studying in where I can.
Mana: Ah, that's why you're the top student at our school!
Joe: A sharp mind makes a woman even more beautiful.
I'm sure you'll grow into a lovely lady.
Rikka: {デレデレ}Oh please stop, you tease!
Mana + Rikka: Oh, hey mister!
Ai-chan: Kewpie!
Mana: Good morning, Ai-chan!
Joe: I'm glad I found you two.
Here's your mama!
Mana: Ai-chan!
Joe: That's a relief.
Truth is I was just informed that some fancy jewelry once worn by a princess from the Heian period has been found.
I'm off to purchase it, so I'll leave Ai-chan in your care.
Rikka: W-Wait a minute, here!
Mana: We can't do that! We're heading to school now.
Joe: But I don't have anyone else I can leave her with.
And she's so happy when she's with her mama, too.
Ai-chan: Ai!
Rikka + Mana: Ahh... So cute!
Joe: I'm off!
Mana: Wai-!
Rikka: We've been had...
Mana: Now what do we do?
Cheryl: Hello, you two?
Raquel: Aren't you forgetting about someone?