DokiDoki Precure Episode 27

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Translation: Kanmuri

TL in progress



Gula: Rampage, Selfishe!

Selfishe: What's wrong with parking in an open area?

Cure Diamond: You're in the way of pedestrians!

Selfishe: Bike!

Cure Ace: Why are you having so much trouble?

Cure Diamond: Cure Ace! You've been watching?

Cure Ace: You really shouldn't be having trouble with such a low-caliber opponent.

Cure Heart: As harsh as always.

Selfishe: The pedestrians should just move!

Cure Ace: You're taking way too long.

Other Cures: Huh?

Cure Ace: We'll meet again. Adieu.

Other Cures: {\i1}Huh{\i0}?

Cure Heart: She ran off...

Selfishe: Biiiiiiike!

Cure Rosetta: Let's focus on ending this, girls.

Other Cures: Yeah.

Cure Sword: Love Heart Arrow!

Selfishe: Mach line!

Cure Heart: Huh?! Mach line?!

Cure Diamond: There's no way he could make one of those!
Aim for his tire, Sword!

Cure Sword: Precure Sparkle Sword!

Selfish: Whee! No way that attack's gonna-OOF!
Self! Self...

Cure Heart: Precure Heart Shoot!

Selfishe: Love! Love Loooooove!


Part 1

Title: Exposed!? Cure Ace's Weak Point!

Mana: I was thinking she was a bit too harsh, but thanks to Cure Ace, we've all become stronger.

Rikka: But as usual, we don't really know much of anything about her.

Alice: She appears and just as suddenly disappears.

Makoto: Yeah.

Mana: Ah, there it is!
That's where my mom's learning how to perform tea ceremonies, Madoka Mari-sensei's house.

Rikka: "Madoka"?

Makoto: You brought her some sweets, right?

Mana: Yeah.
Papa's special traditional Japanese sweets!
They're going to use them for tomorrow's open-air tea ceremony.

Makoto: Open-air tea ceremony?

Alice: A gathering where they serve tea to guests outside.

Aguri: Coming!

Mana + Rikka + Alice: Cure A-

Aguri: Madoka Aguri!

Mari: I see you've brought the sweets, Mana-san.

Mana: Ah, yeah...

Mari: Thank you.
These will be wonderful for tomorrow's open-air tea ceremony.
Do you know my granddaughter?

Mana: Huh? Your granddaughter?
Cure A-

Aguri: The other day!
We met at the festival.

Mari: Oh, I see.

Aguri: Can I talk with you for a minute?

Mana: Huh?

Aguri: Please don't call me Cure Ace in front of my grandmother.

Cheryl: So you really {\i1}are{\i0} Cure A-

Alice: You live so close, too.

Rikka: I guess we couldn't see the forest for the trees.

Aguri: Before you go any further...
I'm not trying to run away or hide, but right now...
is a bad time to discuss this.
Oh, how about this?

Other Girls: Hmm?

Gula: Gah, I'm so mad right now!

Leva: Please leave the stuff here alone, or we're not going to have a base anymore.

Gula: There's nothing else to eat, though!

Leva: It's true that the Precure have a level of power we haven't seen before.
If this continues, we're going to repeat the failures of Bel and company.
How about trying a combo technique with me?

Gula: Me and you?

Leva: Your wild side fascinates me.

Gula: Wild? I like the sound of that.
I don't mind your silk hat, either.

Leva: Oh, that makes me happy. Well then...

Leva + Gula: Let's try this!

Aguri: I'm glad you came.

Mana: Hello.

Alice: Thank you for inviting us to come today.

Rikka: I'm usually nervous at stuff like open-air tea ceremonies, but this is a great chance to learn more about Cure Ace.

Makoto: Yeah, it is.

Aguri: Please come this way.
Now, I'm going to teach you all how to perform a formal tea ceremony.

Mana: Well, we don't really need to-

Aguri: The Five Precure Oaths!
One of which is...

Other girls: Huh?

Aguri: "Those who are Precure should be first-class ladies."{The on-screen text says the same --K}

Other girls: Really!?

Aguri: Before I serve you tea, please eat your sweets.

Other girls: O-Okay.

Rikka + Makoto: Yummy!

Mana: Would you like to eat it?

Aguri: The soul of the formal tea ceremony is hospitality.
I cannot eat one, as I am the host.

Rikka: She's really cute when she's fawning over sweets, though.

Mana + Alice + Makoto: Yeah.

Mana + Rikka + Alice + Makoto: Ooooo!

Aguri: What do you say before you do that?

Mana: Ah! Umm... thanks for the tea?

Alice: Mana-chan...
"I gratefully accept this from you." Like that.

Mana: Oh?

Aguri: I'd expect nothing less from a daughter of the Yotsuba family.

Rikka: I know there's something I'm supposed to do before drinking, but...

Makoto: I figured there might be, so I studied up on it.
You're supposed to take the tea bowl....
And spin it around!

Davi: That's not how you're supposed to spin it!

Cheryl: It's too big...

Raquel: I can't drink any...

Lance: J-Just a bit more....

Ai-chan: Bitta!{Baby talk for "bitter" since she says にが~ from 苦い or bitter. --K}

Alice: Oh my.

Mana: Ai-chan's not ready for this taste yet.

Aguri: You!

Mana: Sorry! I'll do it right!
My legs have fallen asleep!

Mana: Are you okay, Makopi?

Makoto: Of course!
They've... they've fallen asleep!

Davi: She was faking it.

Mana: Aguri... chan?

Aguri: It's just... you guys were acting so funny.
We'll leave off there for today.
Besides, an open-air tea ceremony doesn't require the same level of formality as in a tea house proper.

Rikka: Were you teasing us?

Aguri: Of course not.

Rikka: Geez!

Mari: You look like you're having fun.

Aguri: Grandmother!
This is the first time Aguri has had friends over for tea.

Other girls: Hmm?

Mari: I hope you can continue to be on good terms with Aguri.

Other girls: Yes!

Aguri: Grandmother...
We're going to go on a walk together now.

Ai-chan; Walk!

Mari: Okay, take care.

Other girls: Wow!

Rikka: It's so pretty!

Aguri: This is a famous clear stream.
It feels great.

Makoto: It's true!

Alice: It really does feel nice.

Mana: {\i1}When she isn't Cure Ace, Aguri-chan is just a normal girl.{\i0}

Aguri: It may be inexcusable how harshly I've treated you up until now.
But I've wanted you to become stronger, and I've been single-mindedly working towards that.
I'm sure you have questions for me, right?
I'll answer them now.

Rikka: Why were you helping to train us?
It seems like you alone would be enough to defeat King Selfishe.

Aguri: It would be impossible for me alone.

Other girls: Hmm?
