CURECAST003 The CureCast Episode 03

Yes, I am making this a thing.
Hello everyone and welcome to the CureCast! The only Podcast in all of the internet solely dedicated to the worshipping discussion of the Pretty Cure Franchise and any other hobbies we may or may not have. Don´t say i didn´t warn you.
As always, we would like to thank the folks at CureCom for their support and generally being a bunch of sweethearts (don´t tell them i said that…. oh wait).
In our third episode join our team of scholars (they have all been in High School, i swear) as they discuss the latest DokiDoki episodes, try to make some amazingly (in)accurate predictions and fawn all over Cure Passion because why wouldn´t they?
Meet the Fresh Cast:
-Redkun (host)
- Download:
- mp395 MB
So join us as we try to dissimulate the importance a little girl´s franchise has in our lives while trying to look clever.
Do you want to know more about the Beautiful Bijinder? Go to Generation Kikaida
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