Yeah, we’re way late this week. Combination of the editor having a week from hell and a massive amount of typesetting to do. So far it looks like we’ll be back on track for episode 6 though (we’ve been working on it in parallel with this one).
Torrents: HD | SD
To explain the pic… It turns out Makopi really can sing… we hear it later in the episode. But in the line pictured above, right at the beginning of the episode, she’s shouting along-side the music and not singing. It’s the desired effect in the arrangement for that song [K.o.R: Why they think this is a good idea is beyond me.], but when it’s the only thing you hear (which it is, the first time we hear it) it sounds like she’s tone-deaf and can’t sing. Later on we hear a larger portion of the song, and that line is the only part she shouts, and the rest of it sounds great!
[K.o.R: I say she’s miming the rest of the song. It’s the only logical explanation.]
[pcj: you mean lip-syncing?]